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GTX 485 comming soon......

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Looks very impressive indeed q3 eh could be a christmas present waiting to happen, At the moment ive been looking at the Zotac ANP card but may wait a little while longer and see how these new GTX 485 comes along.



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Looks very impressive indeed q3 eh could be a christmas present waiting to happen, At the moment ive been looking at the Zotac ANP card but may wait a little while longer and see how these new GTX 485 comes along.



Is that the one you were looking for? http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814500166


You'll be a lot better with the 485 if you ask me, that will be my christmas present from me to me...........

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Gah, why does the AMP! has to be so pricey here in finland, and GTX485 come out so late... Otherwise i would buy it. cuz im gonna buy the new GPU sometime in july, or if GTX485 would be close, then maybe august or september. Oh well.

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A big advantage with the GTX 485 you can thurne the central heating down in you hobby room.

And if you get your power bill the words o my god wont be far of ;D

It will be a great card no dought about it. ;)

But i think the performance gain over a faster cpu will be minimum.

You will need a fast CPU to run the card at full potential otherwise the cpu will be the bottleneck.

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Guest AS355F

512 shader units - so they can do it now... That will make a difference. Maybe a good idea to wait for that one (since the sim runs so well with the new BP threshold tweak).

No, it has taken them this long to get enough to sell.

Make no mistake Nvidia will make you pay for these. The 480's are going for $750aud now so the 485 will be $1000+.


Don't forget that AMD will have the 6870 out before the 485 and you will be able to pick them up for roughly the same as a current 5870.  ;)

Not that the 5870 doesn't hold it's own either. I took this screenshot for a comparison to the 470/480 comparison thread and it equals those cards with the 5870 running at a higher resolution. (1920x1200 vs 1680x1050)

and YMML is running with everything turned on except airport fences.

Posted Image

Which to me says that spending more than $500aud on a videocard is giving money away.

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It wont make a big difference on a product that's almost antiek.( Fsx is a very nice sim. don't misunderstand me i love it)

If you are already one a high end system?

But this is whats marketing is all about ;D

Go my sim friends and spend your hard earned cash.

This card needs the highest Cpu to gets its full potential.

Power Hungry mother f...........ck ;D for the few extra fps .

Sorry i stay with my 5870.

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No matter what everybody think about new cards or else here is how it goes......

You play you pay.....

Faster is better.....

There is no such thing as overkill in FSX.....

In two years from now we will have the same discussion about hardware comparing the GTX 485 to the new GTX 600 OC2 (I just made this one up....sound good though) or the i 980X to the new 8 core i 995X at 3.8GHz out of the box......asking our self "How did we manage to run FSX without  the GTX 600 or the i 995X......"

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I don't know about the new 485 cards. All I can say is that I'm now only limited by my CPU speed. Maybe to fast SSDs in Raid0 could improve loading.

My gtx 480 rocks FSX and every other game I've thrown at it.

I'm happy now!

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