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Kalgoorlie to Perth in the Jetstream 4100

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G'day all,

This set was taken during my very first self-planned IFR flight in the BAe JS41.  Getting the hang of setting courses now that I bought vroute - what a difference that made!  Flight was IFR at FL160 from YPKG Kalgoorlie-Boulder to YPPH Perth International, running down V242 with a planned STAR of GRENE4 to arrive Runway 21.

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Climbing hard out of Kalgoorlie with a full load of miners heading home for R'n'R.  I so don't miss FIFO work...

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Must've been lots of rain around Southern Cross - everything looks nice and green and there's some standing water

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A load of happy QANTAS passengers on a seriously sexy turboprop

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Getting above the clouds for a bit of a look... nah, too bumpy

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Farmland somewhere between Kellerberrin and Cunderdin

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Damn, traffic control is insisting I reroute for an approach to Runway 3.  Approaching the escarpment here, where the Darling Range gives way to the Swan River Plain... all National Park down below.  The lakes ahead are the Wungong and Canning Reservoirs.

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On final for ILS approach Runway 3.  There's Perth off to the left, and the Canning River below.

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Autopilot's tracked me in a little to the right of the runway, will land on the grass on this track - gonna have to fly the last few miles by hand  ;D

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Cheesy parked up shot to finish, passengers ready to disembark.  Must be busy over at the Domestic Terminal coz I got routed to the International Terminal.  Maybe they just want all my passengers to endure Customs for fun  ::)

That was a cool flight... gonna have to do more of this Regional flying!



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Amazing shots, cool atmosphere in the last shots

but i have to wonder how you make routes yourself with Vroute? :P Last time i used it it gave the plans and routes automatically, when you put in the depart and arrival. IMO planning yourself is choosing the routepoints from a map, flight level steps etc.

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Thanks all!!

pity we can't have sound too

For most of my flight, just imagine something along the lines of "Benny Hill"... a bit of rapid Yakkety Sax would suit my flying skills perfectly  ;D

but i have to wonder how you make routes yourself with Vroute? :P Last time i used it it gave the plans and routes automatically, when you put in the depart and arrival. IMO planning yourself is choosing the routepoints from a map, flight level steps etc.

I should have been a bit more specific.  I got a route from Vroute, but manually created it within the JS41 FMS so I can learn how to use it a bit more.  You can create routes in Vroute though, you just need to know all the waypoint/airway names to enter.



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