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one more question regarding the 257.21 drivers?


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hey peoples one more question about the new drivers,because im the forum rookie, ;D wats the difference from the beta drivers and the standard drivers?should i go for the standard 257.21 drivers? or the beta,cheers for any replys guys.

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Over on the nvidia site: Beta drivers are provided by NVIDIA as preview releases for quick bug fixes and access to new features. Beta drivers are under qualification testing, and may include significant issues. It is the end user's responsibility to protect system and data when using Beta drivers with NVIDIA products. It is strongly recommended that end users back up all the data prior to using Beta drivers from this site. Please ensure that newer Recommended/Certified drivers are not already posted on NVIDIA.com prior to installation and usage of Beta drivers. Beta drivers posted do not carry any warranties nor support services.  and

Windows Hardware Quality Labs testing or WHQL Testing is a testing process which involves running a series of tests on third-party (i.e. non-Microsoft) hardware or software, and then submitting the log files from these tests to Microsoft for review. The procedure may also include Microsoft running their own tests on a wide range of equipment, like different hardware and different Microsoft Windows editions.

In summary, you are usually better waiting for the WHQL drivers as supposedly any issues seen with the beta drivers in use have been ironed out!! :D  Maybe!



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