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Any advice on this?


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could anyone with the FSX smarts tell me if this is a good buy? click on the link. if so and if not, why? and also, any ideas or pointers?  http://cgi.ebay.com.au/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=180484477946&ru=http%3A%2F%2Fshop.ebay.com.au%3A80%2F%3F_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp3907.m570.l1313%26_nkw%3D180484477946%26_sacat%3DSee-All-Categories%26_fvi%3D1&_rdc=1  :P

Regards, Sean.

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Hmm, pretty much says "A box with an AMD Black processor inside". Personally I never go for AMD processors. But besides, the specifications are too vague (practically non-existant) to say anything about performance. Or is there a link to details that I missed?

My advice: Don´t!


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Guest AS355F

I didn't see anything about a videocard.

The 955 is a good chip but outdated now for around the same price you can upgrade it to a 6 core 1055T or an unlocked 1090T for ~$100 more. That will give a huge boost and they can be overclocked to well over 4Ghz.

For some strange reason most flightsimmers seem to think that unless you have an intel/nvidia combo then you can't run it properly. That is just not true.

So in short if you're after a budget but high powered system then look for an 1055T cpu and combine that with an ATi 5850 or 5870. That will run to ~$1000 AUD for a complete box.

The system in my sig will run Brisbane or Melbourne using payware a/c at everything max except autogen which I set to the recommended middle position.

You need the shader mod 3 tweak for Ati cards and that's all.




EDIT: (Sorry I kinked newegg prices I only just realised it was an AU Ebay site)

If you don't build your own systems I would email that guy and ask him how much it would cost to use those parts I have linked.

That box he has uses a good enough processor but it looks to me like it will fall down in the graphics department. It probably has basic integrated graphics going by the price.

Realistically you will not get a pc that's capable of running fsx on basic settings for under $1000 AUD.

You will be much happier if you save the extra bucks for something a little more advanced.

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