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system power supply requirements?


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hello everyone just wanted to know on the right size power supply to run my system,i have tried using the calculator for wattage in this forum and found my hardware is not listed on there such as my new gtx 480 gaming card,well without boring people to much about my question,the reason for asking this, is of a freezing issue with my system,done everything possible to eliminate areas of concern,well my system was overclocked by the pc shop,and fully tested ,a complete uninstall of windows 7 ,and fsx and all addons,a new gaming card,the latest one evga gtx480 all hardware has been installed by my pc shop and all the latest drivers,and also a bios update has been installed ,running two hard drives,running 4 cooling fans 120mm,1300rpm ,running saitek throttle,yoke,and pedals,running in twin screen mode with different views,stock sound card,ram speed is set to 1200mhz not 1600mhz,problem happened after overclock was set up ,by myself,then pc was taken to pc shop to be tested and overclocked correctly,but it passed the test when tested with my setting i put into the bois ,but i thought let the experts do it just to be sure,well the big question now is 750watts enoughf power,to run my system,there is really nothin more to pick on here,the pc mainly freezes after 1-2 hours of flying, my system boots up ok also ,only when rex loads the weather intermitted not all the time,on the weekend i decided to fly with one monitor running only and no freezing and lots of frames a solid 60 locked,anyways i have ordered a 1000 wat psu anyways got it cheap a antec brand,well happy reading guys lol sorry to take up so much forum time but please see my sig for more of my pc specs,a big thankyou in advance for this one.

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From what you have described 750W PSU should be plenty - I think a 1kw a way over kill.

I suggest checking the cooling on the CPU especially if you are over-clocking - if they get too hot the shut down (if it is a good one) - try removing the over-clocking

The other thing I would suggest is get a copy of MEMTEST86+, free from the internet and run that overnight/all day

you could also, if you have the parts, down grade the video card and see what the results are.

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hi mate thanks for the reply,all of those test have been done ,as stated in my topic and its only the game which locks up,not the computer,all tests including a entire reinstall of windows7,and fsx,theres nothing else to pick on,the overclock has been done and tested by the pc shop,using a second monitor should not stress my system,well its trial and error now.

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also just brought the evga gtz 480 card,was using a ATI 5870,and having the same issue,so its not the graphics card or drivers,ive notice the saitek pro yoke i use the light is flickering dull,it has a diplay on it,not sure if that is related tho.ive notice they set my memory speed at 1200mhz instead of 1600mhz,the tech guy said the computer was locking up at 1600mhz.i know i went back to using one monitor and it seemed to run ok tho.work that one out :).

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