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Ai Traffic disappeared after YBBN patch.

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My traffic has disappeared after installing the Brisbane patch. How do I uninstall the whole airport in order to fix it? Perhaps I will once again install the original at some point in the future if and when I find time and want to fly there. Until then, I just want to get my traffic back. Thank you in advance.


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Third party tarffic will work fine with YBBN.

I am not an AI traffic expert, but Graham is. He did all the APX work for YBBN and should be able to guide you better on how to solve your traffic issue.


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Hi Russ,

Al resolved by downloading the Libraries and the Ai programs and re-installing. I reinstalled YBBN as well and all looks good. Thank you for answering. These little glitches don't make much sense sometimes, but Oh well, it was not life and death anyway.


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