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Pacific Northwest install and Dark at Noon Day???


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???Just installed Orbx-FTX NA Blue USA/CN/PNW and with Day and Weather set at Clear and at Noon, flying from Seattle to Alaska in Kodiak over water about 20 mi short of Vancouver, it is almost pitch dark. ???

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:-[;D Wolter, so sorry for the mix up. Do not know how my Display settings got off base so much. At first did not realize what you were speaking of, but then checked the Sim Display, and WALLA!!!  My trouble now has to do with having Square smoke on start up, and Squares around the lights. This happened when I placed a 3rd party aircraft into my hanger. Had this trouble before, but cannot find the Effects Folder to fix it. Thanks!!! 

Walt :D

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Hi Walt,

I have no problem helping you out with the effects, you are not the first one ;D

but may I kindly ask you to include your PNW ordernumber to your sig as just this isn't the one I asked for


if you acquired your PNW through the FlightSimStore you should have gotten a number that starts with FSS00XXXXX

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Sorry Wolter,

Must have had another "Senior Dropped Call"  :o on your request for the order number. Thanks for you patience, and your help down under!

Walt  :)

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Don't tell me that I having another "Black Out"!  ??? You did say you were attaching you "Effects Folder", but I do not see it in your post.


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:)Thanks Wolter, first chance I get to get into my FS, we shall know if this works. It maybe a while since I am moving from upstate NY to South Central Texas. Have a great life!!!

Walt  8)

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