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Help needed with problem.

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Well then chaps I've built the new Pc but come across a boot up problem when I power it up the moatherboard lights up all the fans are spinning the graphic card lights up and beeps as normal then the Gigabyte wellcomey screen comes on then within a minute the Pc shuts down. I've reseated the memory checked all the cables they seem fine I installed windows 7 64 bit with no problem but when I came to install flightsim it loaded the installer then shut down the Pc and since then as I say it won't boot up past the wellcome screen I don't hear my hard dives making any noise as if they are being read I'm a bit stumped now chaps for any more ideas so I thought I would ask the family here for any suggestions and help you can give me on this problem.



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Hi Iain

Could you please give details of the system, first thing I would do is clear the cmos. Is it actually booting windows when it shuts down or is it before even windows starts. Also if you can try and get into the bios and see what temps the CPU and see if it stays on while your in the bios.

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start by setting all things to default in the BIOS and take it from there

I am not sure he can do that Wolter as he bought a over clocked mobo i7 930 RAM bundle.

Have you rang Overclockers Iain?

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