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using the ftx configurator tool


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i  thought i understood the use of this tool.  i did set it to place ozx at the top of the scenery library followed by all the orbx entries ozx.  i cannot place ants airports as the top entry, as recommended by anthony.  i have tried all the combinations i can think of but cannot get ant to move in the configurator list or scenery library.  when i make the choose the workd, instead of australia, ants sirports ends up as the first entry in scenery library.

i cannot even find mention of the configuration tool in the only orbx manual i have, and i have not been able to find any forum thread to address this problem.  am i doing something incorrectly, or is there something wrong with my configurator?

can someone give me a step-by-step procedure for using the configurator?

thanks very kindly.

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Hello Jorvik, it should be in one of your region manual (unless you have a very old pre-FTXcentral version)

It looks a little confusing but in reality its quite simple :)

For the FTX insertion point: select the scenery item you want FTX to be above

For the OZx insertion point: select the scenery item you want OZx to be above

In my example below, I have set FTX to sit above all of my other scenery, and then set OZx to sit above FTXAA_Airports (the top item in the FTX entries)

After this I do not touch the tool again

Now when I add another item like 'Ants scenery' (via the FSX scenery library) and I set it to sit above OZx it always stays there


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thanks for the reply.  i am still confused.  i have previously used the configuration tool to place all the orbx scenery folders as shown in your picture and then to place the ozx scenery above ftx airports.  i have placed ant's airports  in position 1 in the fsx scenery library, but i can't seem to get it to move to the position on top of ozx in the configurator window..

can you be a bit more specific about getting ants scenery into the top position?

many thanks.


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tim or anyone else:

i apologize for being thick but i cannot get ant's airports to insert at the top of scenery library, using the ftx scenery library insertion points tool.  at the moment, i have the ftx scenery enabled as shown in tim's attached jpg.  when i place ants airports at the top of the scenery library (via fsx options), the entry for ant's is shown. but it disappears once i close fsx, and i just cannot hit upon the exact steps in the insertion tool to fix ant at the top of the library.  i have placed it as the ftx insertion point, and also as the ozx insertion point.  but ant's never appears in the library list shown in ftx central after saving whichever position i have chosen.  i am sure i am missing some very obvious point but cannot figure out what it is.  please help.


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Hmm, that's an odd one

All I do is..

With the first option in FTXcentral, I select the item I want FTX to sit above...I.e my NZ mesh

With the second option (for OZX), I select FTXAA_AIRPORTS which is the highest FTX item

Save and exit and do not touch the FTXcentral tool again

Then to add something extra like Ants scenery or other things that need to be above the FTX entries, I just 'add it' from inside the FSX scenery library and it stays on top above OZx

I see your using Win7, so lets rule some things out:

- Do you have UAC turned [OFF]?

- And do you run the FTXcentral tool 'as admin'? (right click on the FTXcentral icon and select >> properties >> compatibility >> tick 'run this program as an administrator' )

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many,many thanks.  i finally got it to work!  i think the trick was to run the ftx central as administrator, which i had not done before.  your very explicit instructions for selecting the insertion points may also have helped.  so, for the moment, my scenery library and scenery cfg look very good.


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