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5870 settings


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hey i know i dont have all the airports like most of you guys but im still not entirely happy with my performance.

my specs are in my signature but could someone maybe give me a good configuration for catalyst that is maybe a balance between performance and quality?

Any help would be great.


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hi tom nice rig mate im running dual monitors and im also using the same card as you,i played arround with the setting in my gpu 5870 trying to gain performance and a nice clear picture at the same time ,well i ended up putting my card setting back to default because i lost frames by upping the setting to high but ive got a post on how nickd from the simforum,on wat setting are ok for the card and wat setting to change in fsx ,here goes,Nick,

Maybe this should be another post but....

I have your various great posts about optimizing our computers for FSX and even linked to your posts in our UVA forum which has become a sticky there now.

I have a computer with an nVidia card and your suggestions have worked perfectly.  I have one question though.  I have a laptop with a x1400 Mobility Radeon ATI card and whereas your discussions about nVidia cards are extensive, I have not seen any similar posts from you regarding how exactly to set up an ATI card.

How do you recommend that we set up our ATI cards?  Use Catalyst, which version? Use in game or card AA and AF? How about other settings to use and not use? nHancer ATI equivalent?  ATI specific FSX tweaks to use or not use? Whose drivers, which drivers are best? etc. etc. similar to what you have suggested for nVidia.

If you have posted on this before, can you provide the link here?

Another question, I saw in a recent post that you were waiting for the FEX weather engine to come out.  What do you think about REX so far?

Thanks for your comments and all the great work you have done for us. Your knowledge has really improved my FS experience.

Acer laptop with Intel 2300 Duo, 1.6 GHz, 2GB DDR2 RAM, ATI X1400 with 512 MB RAM, WinXP-SP2, FSX-SP2.

ATI is simple.. unlike Nvidia they pretty much have it under control very simplistically. Its more about the driver revision with ATI than anything else and that varies from adapter to adapter.

I spent almost 2 months testing the X2 3870 and hands down if I were buying today i would not even look at Nvidia

Never run in game AA, ever

For ATI, never enable any of the enhanced AA settings such as temporal

just set it up as follows...



Mip or Texture Quality = Maximum or highest quality

Catalyst AI to ADVANCED

NOTE: This has been known to cause issues in FSX SP1... you may want to experiment with ADVANCED or OFF

Wait for Vertical Refresh: Application Controlled

NOTE: FSX SP2 may not lock Vsync properly, if you notice image 'tearing' or 'walking" set this to ALWAYS ON

Make sure under API Specific: Enable Geometry Instancing, Support DTX Texture, and Triple Buffering are checked, nothing else.

Under VPU recover, uncheck prepare error report but leave Enable VPU checked… Click APPLY and close the ATI cat control center.

Thats it

Ok, thanks.  I will try that.  Do we still use in game Trilinear AF?  How do you feel about the in game Anisotropic setting instead of Trilinear for both ATI and nVidia Trilinear.. nothin else

Dont need to say anymore about it because I wont run FSX any other way no matter what adapter I am using

Let me put it like this... are there places in a FSX flight where Aniso is an advantage?  YES 

Are there enough of those spots to justify its use  NO WAY  because when it is not taking advantage, its robbing frames.

Your better off on TRI and that assumes the card is indeed in control and not Nvidia... thats the crap they pulled with the profiles.. with their profile you have to run AA enabled and ANSO in the sim

I dont care what any website posts.. AA disabled, Trilinear filtering and your native montor resolution x32.. thats it, for all adapters

hope this post helps you its trial and error mate,i have autogen trees in my fsx config file set to 1200,and autogen houses set to 700 ,and fsx still looks good ,and the autogen slider in fsx set to normal ,and using 1024 textues setting in rex config ,if you are using rex thats is mate,good luck ,regards timmo.

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I can add some of my findings with my 5850.

Timmo, you mention certain settings such as temporal AA and Enable Geometry Instancing which are ATI traytools specific - not used with Catalyst Control Centre. I too have experimented with ATI Traytools but have recently gone back to the default CCC and use the 10.3 drivers.

I have to disagree with not using ingame AA.

To the OP - this is not guaranteed but would be worth a try:


  • if you are using traytools just try removing it, use default CCC
  • Set AA to Wide tent AND Application controlled
  • AF to high quality AND application controlled
  • Catalyst AI to Standard
  • Mipmaps to Quality
  • Vertical refresh to Performance (Off)
  • AA mode to Quality (Supersampling)
  • Open GL to TripleBuffering(not sure about this)

Ingame - set AA and AF

I also use the external frame limiter  batch file (set to 60fps - which works better than 30fps on my system) and ingame frames to unlimited.

Main fsx.cfg tweaks are those set out in a couple of threads over at AVSIM. One in particular, by bojote, looks at using Shader3.0 settings and includes a download of replacement files for FSX - http://forums1.avsim.net/index.php?showtopic=283701&st=25 and a link to the files




















As I say - give it a try.

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great info mate i also agree with aa filtering in the game ,but that thread i posted is from nickd from the simsforum,alot of people highly recoomend him,im using mostly default setting just as you are mate,and to let you know the new ATI 10.4 drivers are allso available on the ATI website oks,cheers.

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hi tom im sure you will hit the sweet spot for you pc mate,running daul montitors is great ,i get about 4 frames drop when i activate the second one,places like melbourne and ybbn,my frames can drop to 8-15,in some areas,with one screen running i get 20-35 frames at those airports ,but most of my in games setting are maxes and some of the frames killer ones are backed off,good luck with you rig settup mate ;)

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