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YBBN & YMML performance in comparison to YSTW

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Hi all,

Well I purchased YSTW the other day. My PC is kinda at the low-mid end, with a quad core 2.4ghz processor, 4gigs of ram and an NVIDIA 256mb vid card. I didn't expect Tamworth to work very well, but instead I find myself really happy with the performance! Even without texture flow the airport worked fairly smoothly, and the addition of the texture flow betas made my flights even better and removed the black building problem. I'm getting around 14-21FPS, which although it may be low I am very happy with because it is completely smooth. :)

Now, with the addition of YBBN and YMML, I was wondering if my PC would be able to handle them.

I realise I may have to turn off a few of the more memory-heavy features, but would they still run ok?

I would appreciate any comments

Thanks heaps,

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