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My PC is set up with Windows 10 on my C Drive and the Sims on E Drive.

Hard Drives are SSD.

MY C Drive died and I just reinstalled Win 10 on a new SSD.

How do I start the sims as the new drive win 10 does not recognize them on the E drive or do I have to do a complete reinstall?

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You don't state which simulators you wish to reconnect. For X-Plane, just download the installer and point it to your X-Plane folder on the E Drive. It will do the job and update the simulator files if necessary. Steam FSX is also pretty easy to reconnect. For MSFS go to the Microsoft store and reinstall, using the path to the installation drive. You should not have to reinstall the entire simulator, just update the path and reinstall any required C Drive files with the installer.

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Quite a mess.  Lockheed Martin My sims are P3D, FSX Gold and X Plane.  I used the FSX Disk set to install but it did not work. P3D reinstalled but to the wrong HD, did not give me a chance to select path.  It also does not work properly. 

Think I will uninstall all Sims and reinstall.


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