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solved - I think --


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my error was that I installed YMAV airshow non SP3.

I d'ld YMAVAirshow SP3 and re d'ld SP3.001.

installed SP3airshow then SP3.001 and latest libs.

all seems OK again.  checked one freeware and one payware FTXAU airport. looks OK at first glance.

PNW is back.  Thank God.

back to dinner...... 

orig message:

Before I resort to reinstalling everthing which I really would hate to do...

Everything was working perfectly and then:

I installed YPJT and then I installed YMAV and then I installed YLILSP3 and then I installed YMAV Airshow and then

I installed AUSP3.001 and then finally I installed the Orbx libs from October of 2009 (the ones that always worked for me).

a message came up while installing the library that an unhandled exception error had occurred.

I have since found that it was FTXCentral that threw the error becasue every time I attempt to start it now it throws that

error and if I choose continue it will not load.

Before I started installing anything I used to FTXCentral to 'apply' Australia.  I figured I should.

Now FSX still works but I have no PNW and no FTXAU and absolutely no trace of any of the airports Ive installed whether freeware or the 9 that I have purchased.  Not even the freeware REX grass is there.

Everything is gone.

I cant get FTXCentral to work.

Ive tried reinstalling SP3.001 and I downloaded and installed the latest ORBX lib.  same issues.

any suggestions please?

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Please clarify: you got an unhandled exception during the installation of the 091028 libs or when you try to run FTX Central? If it's from FTX Central, can you copy and paste the full error text into a post in this thread please?

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John - Thank you very much but I believe its solved.  it was FTXCentral that was throwing the error but only after I installed a non SP3 item into my SP3 installation.

I remember when you guys warned about doing that and man were you right.  I couldnt believe how bad default FSX at YRED looked.  I went to YPEC and it was gone. I went back to KRBG (in PNW) and it was gone.  It had me worried.

but I do believe its solved now.  Im not sure I should reply here in this thread because of that but i will.

I dont think there are any problems here that actually need solving.  I didnt know there was an SP3 version of the YMAV Airshow2009 freeware. When i saw that there was, I installed it and FTXCentral started working again.

I thought about just deleting my post last night becasue the edit time hadnt elapsed but I figured this might help someone else avoid doing the same thing.  or to figure it out if they did.

Thanks again.

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