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Orbx Central Crash Win10 IRQL not less or equal


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Am using latest version Orbx Central on Win 10 OS. Intel i7-8700K, 32 GB Ram, Nvidia 2080Ti, 

Up to now have had no problems with Orbx Central. Had to re-install X-plane 11.5 (non vulkan config) had no issues installing airports and terra flora. When I went to download and install True Earth WA, OR, Northern CA, and GB South the files would get to around 10-12GB and cause a windows crash to the windows blue screen where I noted the error Stop code: IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL. I noted in the forums that sometimes this happens when not enough disk drive space,for Orbx temp and backup files. I changed Orbx central default directories from default C drive (148 gb free space) to E drive where I had 1.4 TB free space. Same thing happened again. This only occurs with Orbx central no other app I use causes this crash. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.







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orbx central log.txt

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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @dash8flyer,


Does your CPU happen to be overclocked?


Can you go to Settings -> Downloader in Orbx Central and set the 'Conversions' CPU to Low or Moderate CPU power and see if the issue persists?

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Tried  low CPU conversion, 52.3 GB were download into my library and are in the appropriate folder in zip files chunks but Orbx central froze and never installed them. When I returned this morning the screen was the same as last night. I have also tried uninstalling and re-installing Orbx central. I have included a screen shot and log.txt from Orbx Central.

Capture orbx.PNG

orbx central log.txt

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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @dash8flyer


Essentially due to how intensive the conversion process is, an overclocked CPU can result in a blue screen which is why we've provided the setting to control the CPU utilisation.


The error in your latest log file doesn't appear to be related to your initial issue. It appears that no conversions or extractions were even attempted.


Can you cancel the existing download process and ensure your download queue is empty? Set the conversions to 'moderate' and the Concurrency to 'Hard Disk Drive' to be conservative. Then reattempt the install of TrueEarth



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15 hours ago, Josh Koz said:

Ok followed instruction monitored download which was extracting and converting as it downloaded. Got to 32GB out of 62GB downloaded and the blue screen appeared with the IRQL not less than equal error code followed by a reboot. I was watch cpu core temps none got higher than 62C. When Central was restarted it started download where it left off but I noticed that it was no longer extracting and converting so I stopped it. This is really getting frustrating. This PC came overclocked from day 1, it runs at 4.9ghz  I and have downloaded Terrabytes of Orbx scenery (P3d and FSX) with no problems, I just can't see why overclocking now becomes an issue. 




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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @dash8flyer


6 hours ago, dash8flyer said:

  I and have downloaded Terrabytes of Orbx scenery (P3d and FSX) with no problems, I just can't see why overclocking now becomes an issue. 


Only products that have a conversion step in the installation process (ie TrueEarth products) can potentially result in issues on overclocked CPU's. This is likely why you've only encountered this issue now. This conversion step attempts to convert several files simultaneously using Microsoft's texconv tool. The Conversions CPU option in the settings controls how many of these conversions to perform simultaneously.


When we conducted our initial investigation of this issue we were only able to recreate this issue on CPU's with an unstable overclock. We also found that reducing the number of conversions that occur simultaneously reduces the probability of a blue screen occurring and disabling an overclock prevented the issue entirely.


Is it possible to temporarily disable the CPU overclock or reduce the CPU conversion option to Low (which will only perform 1 conversion at a time) to see how this impacts the installation process?


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Hi Josh ,

Sorry for the delay had some things come up. Tried putting CPU back to its original 3.7ghz speed to download and my whole pc just froze after a downloading maybe 1/3 of the files. I am trying an experiment, I uninstalled Florida true earth from my p3d5 and will attempt to re-install it. If it goes without any problems then the problem may be xplane and not the pc. I have installed true earth sceneries at 4.9ghz before with no issues, why now the problems, either some change in Orbx central my pc does not like, or something in the installation when I re-installed xplane is causing a conflict with Orbx central. I'll let you know how the re-install to p3d5 goes. If it goes ok, then xplane may be the issue. sure wish Orbx had a chat service, with the time difference (I'm on US east coast time zone) this could take awhile to solve. Will let you know. Thanks once again with your suggestions.


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Hi Josh have not heard from you in awhile, so I don't know if your receiving this. Boy I wish they had a better system than this for support. I did a clean reinstall of xplane. Installed airports, libraries all ok. True Earth seems to be the problem. I now have 3 true earth sceneries that can no longer be installed. When I try to install them the download, and extract and covert then the pc reboots, when I try to continue I see it downloading but NOT extracting or converting any files. I am almost out of data on my allotment from my ISP. I uninstalled and reinstalled a true earth scenery (Florida) on my p3dV5 sim no problem, so its not an overclock problem, its a conflict between xplane and the latest version of Orbx central. I'm at an end as to what else to try. 


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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @dash8flyer


I can see the issue you're encountering but there's not corresponding error. It does appear that the download begins, the extraction process begins but nothing begins to extract for TrueEarth


Normally I'd expect log entries like the following:

2020-09-25T15:56:03.307Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Download finalized http://orbxcdn.com/v4//monumentvalley-xp11/9eda2106-c72b-48c6-a1d7-786210c20df7.c.zip
2020-09-25T15:56:03.308Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Downloading http://orbxcdn.com/v4//monumentvalley-xp11/0cc25ce6-6c45-4544-8d54-5cb15fca6737.c.zip
2020-09-25T15:56:03.410Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Started job timer ExtractTime
2020-09-25T15:56:03.410Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Extracter picked up pending chunks 1


But in your log file for the extractor doesn't begin extracting. From the most recent provided log file it appears that the installation for these was only running for a minute or so each before the process is paused or cancelled. Is any extraction process made if this is left for an extended duration?

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In the past i have let it run I see no extractions or conversions and eventually the the PC reboots with the IRQL not less or equal windows error code. Guess I'll just wait for the next revision of Orbx central and pray whatever was causing the conflict will be gone. I have another pc with xplane if I successfully download True Earth to the xplane folder on that pc, is it possible to transfer files to my PC having the problems? If so what files would need to be transferred? I will try in a few days as I'm up against my ISP data limit. Thanks for your help, I understand the complexity of your program and glitches do happen unfortunately. Luckily I can still download everything else just not true earth.

 IRQL not less or equal

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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @dash8flyer


If you've installed this into a library on your other PC, you should be able to find the product's folder within that library. Simply copy that folder over to the library on your other PC and perform a 'Sync Simulator'

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