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RAID 0+1. More trouble than it's worth?


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Hello. I've been trying to get to the bottom of this for quite some time now, i've only just thought of posting here though  ::)

My mate set this computer up for me in RAID 0+1. I have four 1TB HD's and he explained to me that two of them are just there as back ups (or something) which I thought was a waste to begin with. I used to get this problem ALOT where I would get a message saying that a hard drive had failed, so I used the Intel Matrix storage console to "mark as normal" the missing drive because i've read that there is absolutely nothing wrong with the HD's themselves but it's the program not seeing them for some reason.

Once you mark it as normal, it goes through an extremely long process of a quite a few hours of rebuilding the volume.

So while this is happening the computer isn't running at its best ability and most of this computer's life so far has been rebuilding it's volume everytime this happens or even if I get a freeze and have to reboot, it rebuilds the volume after that as well, it's even doing it right bloody now!

Is it this 0+1 setup that just aint right? Is it worth going to a RAID 0 setup as i've seen alot of people on these forums with.

So in short, i've had bugger all time to play flight sim cause everytime I start flying, something goes wrong somewhere and I get black screens, freezes of all kinds, you name it, and then i've just gotta walk away for hours at a time while it rebuilds itself after a reboot.

Any ideas?

Cheers  :)

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What you have (in theory) is both striped: Speed ... and mirrored: backup.

My experience only extends to RAID5 ... which on the ICH10R is a) slow, and B) not very robust.

I'm guessing 1 + 0 is much the same.

Intel RAID0 works fine ... but there is no redundncy ... so if a drive fails, the whole thing falls over.

If there is no irreplaceable data on there then that may be just fine.

More trouble than it's worth?  ...... probably.

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As a side note I am still running drives that started life in a Win 98SE PC and have migrated through several upgrades and have been running pretty much continuously since 1999.

Modern drives are very reliable in reality, providing you buy good brands. 

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For what it is worth my techs are saying that on a modern VRap HDD or SSD, with a modern CPU there is now no value in all of these RAID arrangements.

They say that the OS and FSX can run just as well on the one drive.

I am doing this now, and the game is probably running as good as it ever has.

Of course it will run better when I can afford a GTX 480, sigh!!

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A properly configured PC with modern hardware  macca I'd say that info is totally plausable.

RAID was born out of the need to serve offices etc with the same or multiple files at once hence the " Need For Speed " considering the first RAID arrays were most likely based on MFM Data Drum or SCSI Drives.

I know what many say about RAID and it's speed but in a home PC I am yet to be convinced and many forms of RAID are not redundant as the name implies either.

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