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KSBA taxiway incorrect

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Just purchased my first FS2020 paid add-on software, your KSBA.

Did a traffic pattern flight once after installing and things appear without big issues with the scenery.

One correction/question I discovered.

Taxiway identifiers appear incorrect at least when I compare against my latest Navigraph airport chart.
Taxiway Foxtrot in your scenery should be Taxiway Charlie (in Navigraph and in Skyvector chart).

Accordingly, other taxiways have incorrect alphabets as well.

Not critical to flying but may confuse some pilots taxing with VATSIM or other online ATC services.

One c

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Hi Kay,


Thanks for reporting. The taxiway signage gave us some grief during development, so we decided it was better to get the product out a bit earlier for people to enjoy. This is definitely on the agenda to fix up very soon though.


Hope you enjoy the scenery otherwise!


Cheers, Misha

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