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what can I change?


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What can I take out or put into my pc (Hardware) to get the maxed out performance. atm at YBBN im getting around 15 fps on finals rwy 01 in the L-D 767 with sliders about mid range and pretty much all the boxes unticked in the YBBN control panel, I want more. so any suggestions would be great, thanks guys.

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hi dan ,you have a system very close to mine im running a i7 950 and im pulling arround 10-20 frames at ymml and ybbn,but im runnig daul monitors,my graphics card is set to default and my autogen is normal,my fsx cgf file is stock as a rock ,most sliders in fsx are set to 70-80 %my system is pulling the same results as you ,with two monitors,when i run one monitor i some times pull 25-35 at ybbn-ymml,most of the control panel disabled tho ,i know im not much help but good luck and happy simming mate.

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Hey guys, first up, Orbx thanks for all your great products. love em. About 1 month ago I spent a fortune on this new PC hoping I would get great results using good payware aircraft (PMDG, L-D 767 REX etc) along side FTX products, sadly this is not the case, even with everything dulled right down I still get stuttering and low frame rates (15-25). I have done a lot of reading in this forum to try eliminate the problem but it still exists. I'm not interested in tweaking etc, that's not my hobby, all I want to do is fly. all my flying is done on vatsim and I haven't been happy with what im getting to do that yet (on the upside I have been doing a lot of Controlling :).

Anyway my question is what do I have to buy in order to get the fluid motion im after with no stuttering, low frame rates or everything dulled right down? FTX deserves to shine with smoothness, that's all I want, and I don't want to sound ungrateful or appear to be wining but anything other than 100% smoothness really annoys me.



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Hi Dan

If you not intrested in tweaking you fsx to run better there is not much you can do. Try deleting your fsx.config and let fsx build a new one, that sometimes can help a lot, other times little help. But worth a try.

My PC is no where close to being as fast as yours and I can fly into and out of all the International airport I own apart from one(works with GA/L-39) with complexity on very complex and Auto gen on normal. FPS locked on 20 I will drop below 20 but everything is very smooth until I (if)drop  before 10.

So your PC should run fsx as you wish but you need to re-think tweaking if a new config does not work.

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I don't know how this thread ended up in here when I started a new one.

I thought it was a fairly simple question I asked. If FTX is able to produce the products and have them run the way they where designed to run im sure there are recommendation on the hardware I will need for that. nowhere in the PDF files is there anything about tweaking the CFG file. Im not real flash on computers, like I said I just want to fly. maybe I have the wrong hardware, I dont know which is why I ask the question. Im prepared to buy what I need... I just want to know what. thanks Nyxx.

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The one tweak I have found absolutely essential in areas like Brisbane and Seattle is




This tweak is absolutely safe and guaranteed to improve performance.

Another more controversial tweak that increases FPS, but causes lock-ups on my system (but not others) is



For airports and urban areas, turning the scenery complexity slider down from extremely to very dense is

sometimes required.

It is discouraging that i7s at 4 GHz still struggle in dense scenery and complex aircraft.  Any reports from

those with the i7 980x?

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