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What PC would be faster?


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Hi Nyxx,

I don't think many have the 980X as of yet so there isn't a lot of comparisons (I could be wrong).

From what I've read over at Avsim FSX may not utilise the extra 2 cores over the 930 so in that case 4 cores at a higher clock speed may prove to have have a better result?

It would be great if someone had with a 920 or 930 at 4GHz then has gone to the 980X and posts their results!

Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong.



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920's are certainly still available in Brisbane.

920 price= 250 dollars

980x price= 1600 dollars

That's a 920 plus a NVIDIA 480 for about 1150. Still got 450 left for a good few drinks down the boozer!

Pretty simple unless you are looking for a tax write off.


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Well the problem for me is my case/PSU/2xDVD,RAID 0 + another drive W7 are all perfect and I do not want to re-buy them.

There is no one close to me that will overcloak. To buy a 980x/mobo/ram and 480 is in my buget, but no overclock.

These people are perfect for buying a overclock PC http://www.overclockers.co.uk/ but I have to buy new everything as they will not upgrade my PC and I've never built a PC myself and I dont think I will start.

The cost saving on a overclock 930(stoped doing 920)is masive and does help if buying new case etc, but its like bining a new car becasue i want a new gearbox :)

This is the bare bones I am looking at http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=FS-231-OK&groupid=43&catid=110&subcat=

If i could build myself i would go for this

http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=BU-016-OBor not...this is sooo much cheaper http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=BU-044-OE I blame YBBN or my E8500or PMDG for there 737 to come  :P  ;D

But from your replys it looks like the 930@4GHZ is the way to go and thats good news, thanks guys. I trust and value the opions of the people on here.

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