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TE Northern California missing Textures?

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Hello Team,


i have some Problems/ missing Texture with TE NCA. 
see pictures below. I already used „Check Files“ in Central.


this are only examples, there Are some more Problems where Streets lead over Water ore where landing Stages for boats Are present.


all Pics are taken in the SFO area, and the Harbour of Half Moon bay.






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I've noted this for future reference when we consider service packs and what comes into them.

If you would be great if you could supply coordinates of your findings. Not required for the bridge end in Oakland, but the other two would be nice to know their locations.





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Hello Sascha,


ok, I do so next week when I'm back from my business trip.

Regarding the boats stage, this happens virtually everywhere, where marinas are.


The second pic location is the Half Moon Bay Marina

the third is the cliff north of Half Moon Bay airfield, just before the village of Pacifica.


Yesterday, I found something else , (sorry no Pic), just west of Napa Valley Airport,(KAPC) there are 4 industrial /office buildings located in the middle of a small pond.



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