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Orbx Libs & Flat Earth


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Hi All,


I've been noticing that my hills in XP 11 get smaller, and less visible as I approach them, totally unlike real world experience, and I am attempting to find out if this is something to do with Orbx Libs or not. I've never had a problem with Orbx Libs before. If the problem is something else, can anyone offer possible solutions to it. In other forums, I've been directed towards HD Mesh, but this doesn't have Australia, so it isn't relevant. When I run XP 11 without custom scenery, the scenery around Ballarat is pretty pathetic, but the hills are much higher and more realistic in size, if not appearance.





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Hi mate, I am not certain that Orbx Libs have any effect at all on non-Orbx scenery (maybe one of Orbx staff can confirm this or not)? I have been using XP11 for a couple of years now and have never experienced your issue. However as far as Australia is concerned there is in fact a good HD Mesh available and as it is freeware and as it does not compromise any Orbx product may I direct you to alpilotmesh . Alpilot also has UHD Mesh however that does not include Australia. You will be presented with quite a few "tiles" for Australia as we are a large area. You have to select each tile to download so I have just selected a tile to suit a particular flight in Australia and gradually built up the whole continent (and the little island at the bottom:P).  Hope you find this constructive. Cheers  Dan

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Thanks Bassman,


Thanks for  the advice about Orbx libs. I had eliminated everything but HD Global from my Custom Scenery folder, and the results confirm what you experienced. Orbx Libs have no effect on the base mesh. All I have to do is get my sim to use the mesh I want to use, instead of the default.


I had been advised about the HD Mesh in another forum, but I had not been able to make it work. In fact, the link took me to a website which did not include any of Australia, so I had given up for a while. Your post indicates that I need to look closer into the complete set of files for Australia as I had thought that there was inly one. Perhaps this is why it hasn't been working.





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Good News!


I got it working. I've flown around Mt Buninyong, which was where things weren't real before and now it looks a lot more credible. I then went to Katoomba and flew along the river gorge and that looked very good. The I checked the log and indeed all of the expected entries are there, so it has all worked.


Thanks for the help



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19 hours ago, Bassman said:

Glad to hear it. Bloody cold around Buninyong, Mt Clear and Durham Lead . Always colder out at there than in Ballarat:P


Yes, but the simulator doesn't make my room cold!

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