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runway lights issue need help

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hello all i have found an issue with runway lights that i need help with I have looked for the answers but can't find it. I don't think it's a addpn scenery issue or an Orbx issue. The same thing happens in both P3Dv4 and V5. it seems at night there are more lights then should be and I want to get rid of the default balls of light that shouldn't be there. The pictures are of Luton as an example and I have installed FLAI (which took 16Hrs) and I have search high and low for this cause but just (scratching head) can't figure it out. I am sure someone knows the answer.




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I'm somewhat failing to understand what the issue is.  Especially saying there are more lights than there should be.  As for the appearance of the lights, those can be tweaked.  I would recommend searching "runway lights scalar" on Google and reading the many discussions there are on it.  There are values you can tweak in your .cfg file, but I would suggest the research as everybody's system is a bit different.

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i have looked in cfg and can't see the runway lights entry as like the old fsx but the problem is that yes there are 2 many lights and it looks stupid and i have double ups on the runway and floating lights on runways and taxiways at alot of airports but never noticed this issue until now with p3d

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also the pics ore of luton and i have the uk2000 luton 2020hd but it has nothing to do with the addon but the first shot shows the correct lights that are on the poles there are no light poles that extend out as far as the night pic shows

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i managed to fix it and remove the default crappy lights. it turns out it was the afcad for the airport and i used AFLT to remove all the lights from the afcad as i i use the iniB dynamic lights so now it looks much better. as luton EGGW is payware but looks awesome runway 8 has a shorter approach lights then runway 26. AFLT is a great little tool and now I will use it to edit any crappy lights 



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