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Need "Idiot's Guide to Orbx in P3D v5"

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Guys: I've been running P3D v4.5, with tons of Orbx scenery, and it's working great. Yesterday I downloaded and installed P3D v5.1. I have the latest beta Active Sky and ASCA working, and I got the A2A J-3 working as well. Almost there! Now I need to get all my compatible Orbx scenery working in P3D v5. Right now it looks like I'm back in the old FSX days.


I used to have all my Orbx scenery in C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\Orbx. A few weeks back, I installed a second 1 Tb SSD in my Jetline computer, figuring that would be for Orbx scenery, thereby freeing up space on the 1 Tb SSD C:/ drive.


A couple weeks ago I migrated all my Orbx scenery to a new library on the new SSD, at D:\Orbx Library\p3dv4. Well, not quite all. The various folders associated with Orbx Base didn't want to move over to the new library on the D:/ drive. The folders include: Config, Dependencies, FTX_AU, FTX_Global, FTX_NA, FTX_OLC, FTX_PI, FTX_VECTOR, Scripts, SODE_Data, Troubleshooter, and User Documents. Everything is working great in P3D v4.5.


Now I need to get all my Orbx working in P3D v5.1. I've looked at "Getting Orbx Central to recognise Prepar3D v5." I'm in the Fastlane program. I've got Orbx Central. When I got to Settings -> General I see Prepar3D v4 as my active sim. How do I get Prepar3D v5 as my active sim?" When I first view my Orbx library in Explorer, I didn't notice a folder for each simulator, so I created a p3dv5 folder. I plan to keep P3D v4.5 until the early bugs get knocked out of v5, and until all my A2A aircraft are working in v5. 


Please tell me where to go from here, to get my scenery installed, identified, and working in P3D v5. Please make it one step at a time, in "cookbook" fashion. Also, I have a final request. It would be very helpful for us if you could identify which Orbx products don't work in P3D v5. That would really help folks who have a lot of Orbx products to know which ones they shouldn't copy or move into a P3D v5 folder. 


Thank you


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2 hours ago, Paughco said:



Now I need to get all my Orbx working in P3D v5.1. I've looked at "Getting Orbx Central to recognise Prepar3D v5." I'm in the Fastlane program. I've got Orbx Central. When I got to Settings -> General I see Prepar3D v4 as my active sim. How do I get Prepar3D v5 as my active sim?" When I first view my Orbx library in Explorer, I didn't notice a folder for each simulator, so I created a p3dv5 folder. I plan to keep P3D v4.5 until the early bugs get knocked out of v5, and until all my A2A aircraft are working in v5. 





When in Orbx Central, look at the very top of the screen and it should say Prepar3D V4 with a caret to the right of it.  Click on the caret (drop down) and you should see a choice to select Prepar3D v5.  Select that option and this will shift Orbx Central to look at your P3D v5 installation.  You can use the same method to switch back to looking at your P3Dv4 installation whenever you need to.  The key is to make sure you look at the top of the Orbx Central page before doing anything so that you know which version of P3D you are addressing.  That should get you started.



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Rod: Thank you for getting back. I just got done flying with the A2A Misfit MP Squadron (great flight in Connies from Cilipi Airport in Croatia (LDDU) to Innnsbruck, Austria (LOWI), and after the flight one of the guys showed me how to find that P3D v5 caret and get things rolling. I'm now installing all my regions and will soon install all my airports. Not only that, but it appears that once you get to that v5 option, the only products you can see and the ones that work with P3D v5. So all is good! Looks like I'll be able to fly our next flights on v5!


Thank you


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