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LYBE missing gates/stands form dropdown menu

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Dobro vece Misha

The only Charlie gates that are labeled are C6, C8 and C9, as you can see in the picture. However, there are some gates that are not labeled at all(second picture), and I don't know if some of them are C2, C4 or C1A, C3A, C5a, etc.

Pozdrav Dukki


LYBE Gates.png

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Hi Dukki,


Looks like the gates are available, but they aren't named correctly. Gate 3 = C3 and Gate 4 = C4. Thanks for spotting, we'll note it down to fix.

As for gates that don't show up at all, any gates that have a static aircraft won't show a start option. If you want them to, you have to disable static aircraft in the LYBE control panel, which you can access through it's product page on Orbx Central by clicking 'Configure'.


Cheers, Misha

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Hi @Misha Cajic

Static aircraft in the LYBE control panel are disable (static aircraft - terminal and static aircraft - maintenance ramp), because i fly on IVAO and VATSIM online. Thank you for fixing this issue Misha.


puno pozdrava


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