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antialiasing and filtering

Guest steved

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Guest steved

How do I make sure that the anti aliasing and filtering is being performed by my video card and not the software fsx which would slow things up considerably. Would FSX go ensure this


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Here's how you make sure one of them is causing the AA and AF.

FSX: In the Display Options page you can select Anisotropic in the filtering box, and then select the Anti Aliasing checkbox.

Video Card: Use your video card's control panel (ATi uses Catalyst Control Center and nVidia uses their Control Panel) and select what level of AA and AF that you want. If you decide to do this, deselect the Anti Aliasing option in FSX and select Triliniear for the filtering in FSX.

FSX Go won't let you decide what forces AA and AF but it is very handy to have very different config files for the different types of aircraft, types of scenery, or what you are using FSX for at the moment. I have a profile for aircraft editing and design, one for urban flying, one for flying the JS4100, one for flying the PMDG 747, etc. It's a very useful tool IMHO and worth the under $10 many times over.


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Guest J van E

...and not the software fsx which would slow things up considerably. 

I use ingame FSAA and AF and see no difference in performance... FSAA and AF is still 'done' by the GPU. It's not that for instance FSX FSAA bypasses the GPU entirely. I even read somewhere that ingame FSAA might give better performance because FSX knows exactly what to AA and what not to AA. So to speak. I'm clearly not an expert ;D but your fps won't be cut in half when you use FSX FSAA and AF.
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How do I make sure that the anti aliasing and filtering is being performed by my video card and not the software fsx which would slow things up considerably. Would FSX go ensure this

To achieve what you desire simply use the GUI for your graphics Card and make sure ALL adjustments are set to manual and NOT allow application to decide anything.

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