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Cant Update Tera Flora

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Operating system:  Windows 10

Simulator:  P3d V5



Operating system:  Windows 10

Simulator:  P3d V5


Issue:  Cant Update Tera Flora


Cant Update Tera Flora. "A comuniocation error ocured when trying to perfoirm this action."


Cant Reconsecronise  Simulator. "An eror ocurured while trying to syncronise your simulator."



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Same issues as Nagmaal.


When trying to update Tera flora v2


Operating system:  Windows 10

Simulator:  P3d V4.5


Issue:  A communication error occurred when trying to perform this action


When trying to Sync Simulator


Operating system:  Windows 10

Simulator:  P3d V4.5


Issue:  Orbx Central Worker failed to launch.


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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @Nagmaal


The log files indicates that the Orbx Central worker is missing or broken. It's possible it's become corrupted during an update.


Can you try reinstalling Orbx Central and ensuring your PC meets all the system requirements outlined in the user guide here:


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