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New guy have a few questions.


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Greetings everyone.

I stopped flying a couple of years back cause i could never get it running to my liking, but i stumbled across this site and wow.... now i HAVE to give this a try :)

So was wondering will my rig run FSX with these addons without to mutch of the tweaking dance i hate? (signature)

Also i have a 150gig 10.000 rpm main drive, my 2nd is 7200 rpm, would i benefit any in installing FSX on the main drive? I kinda hope not because of the lack of space on that.

Thx in advance

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Hi Jan,

keep your fsX on a separate partition or drive,

the less clutter on your C drive the better,

looking at your rig's specs it should run fsX/FTX fine,

make sure you have installed either SP1+SP2 or Acceleration before you start adding any addons to it,

can't comment on the ATI card as I have nVidia ;D

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Bufferpools=0 in your FSX.cfg

Texture Max Load=2048 or 4096 maintained by Texture Max Load Editor utility.

Search for EXACT lines and where to put them.

You want to force VSync and use an Affinity Mask setting matched to your CPU.

I can give you Display settings that work for a 1gB ATI 4890 - tweaked via ATT (NOT CCC) if you're interested.

There'll be others but firstly you MUST overclock your CPU as high as is stable and safe.  FSX is very clock-dependent.  I OC'ed from 2.66 to 3.4 years ago - still going fine.  You should be able to go higher.

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