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Boulder City Add-on - Hoover Dam Area

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Hi, just purchased Boulder City add on and really happy with this.  The only small issue that I have noticed is when I cross over the Hoover Dam area, bridges are missing and the dam itself does not look quite right - it looks like it might be clashing with other scenery.  Any ideas as to what might be causing this?  Many thanks in advance.


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Hi Almac,

The bridge is a feature of SCA, it is mentioned in the product page and the user guide, we designed Boulder to fit SCA then did as much as  possible to make it fit Global and Global NA, this bridge and dam area too many hours to get it to work in SCA due to the complexity of the mesh. I would definitely recommend getting SCA. There are many great airports in this region and it is probably on sale at the moment. Really pleased your enjoying the rest of the Scenery.




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