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Buildings floating above Diamond Head and Trees on PHNL ramp

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There are 2 building objects that are "floating" above the SE edge of the Diamond Head creator.

This with the latest release of Honolulu Cityscape.

There are also at least 2 instances of trees on the ramp. Both of these (in the attached screen shots) are on the GA / Cargo ramp on the south or Rwy 4R.

Screen shot attached.





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Hi there,


As for the floating buildings: Refreshing the scenery should help. Floating buildings are a common issue with both FSX and P3D. At least I couldn't reproduce it in this place.


The trees are correct but your ground looks different (also some buildings). Perhaps there is another addon interfering?


On my end it looks like this:





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Frank, thank you very much for the reply.

Help me understand what you mean by "refreshing the scenery". If I have all of the Orbx products selected in the Scenery, I get the floating buildings.If I simply start up P3D with the HNL Cityscape enabled and I slew out of PHNL up the coast and around the bend, the floating buildings are there.


As for the "trees", let me take you back to another comment from the Orbx developer group, not related to a "problem" but rather a user's disappointment in the accuracy of the airports.

The Cityscape team has stated that the focus is on "scenery" and not the accuracy  of the airports (any of them) on Oahu. 

If you look at a recent sat. photo of PHNL (use Google Earth Pro, for example) you will not find trees on the ramp/tarmac. 

I have spent months since first purchasing Honolulu Cityscape in making PHNL correct. This includes taxiways, mil ramps, cargo areas, terminal gates, dynamic lighting, and even the 2 water runways, taxiway signage, A380 gates on terminal C, hold shorts, duplicate objects, administration building with its beacon along with the ALOHA sign, etc. Its extensive as the PHNL bgl that is supplied with the Orbx Honolulu Cityscape is years out of date.  So no, there is not another addon interfering but rather a correction to the very old and outdated PHNL bgl and the trees are coming from an Orbx lib/overlay as they do not exist in reality.

All of this work to make PHNL accurate (as well as other airports like KDFW, KGTU, KAUS,) is a passion of mine. I have attached a couple of pics and please understand, all of my work is FREEWARE, in case Orbx has any interest.

Best regards







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Frank, I must apologize. I am incorrect regarding the 2 trees on the ramp/tarmac in the GA/Cargo/Maint. area south of Rwy 4R at PHNL.

However, if I could ask Orbx that if you are going to add a that looks totally out of place with the image on which it sits (see attached screen shot), why did you not add all of the other

trees that surround the automobile parking lot?

For the tree that is situated at the rear of the United Terminal (which does not appear as such in the Orbx version of PHNL), I would very much like to see all of the other trees that line the cement sidewalk and asphalt driveway but as this driveway is non functional (i.e. no automobile traffic from the attached street enters), I would prefer to simply extend the airport asphalt to the boundary fence at the street and leave the single tree, although it looks slightly out of place unless some parking and auto/truck objects were to be added.

I feel as if I am now "nit picking" which wastes everyone's time. So I will continue to work on true "on airport property" objects that truly add to the function of the airport.

Thank you again, and please accept my apology, I was incorrect about both "trees".

Best regards



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Don't worry Lyman :).


However, the trees and the photoreal as to be seen on your GE shot are there in the Cityscape Honolulu (see my screenshots above). There must be something interfering in your install. Just a thought: Can it be that some of your own PHNL files (your work looks promising btw.) are causing a conflict?


Accuracy in general: Indeed, the cityscape's airports have "only" been improved against the default ones. Like with Orbx regions these airports do not want to compete with the highly accurate series of airport products. The layout of runways, taxiways, tarmac etc. usually matches the real situation reasonably well though (and of course there shouldn't be trees on the tarmac). PHNL has carefully brought up-to-date in November 2019 so actually in cannot be that outdated.


Refreshing scenery: Just go to World - Scenery Library and tick OK. This will reload the scenery and in most cases the floating buildings should be "grounded" again.


Here's another shot how it should look like:




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