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Will YHBA trafficboats.bgl interfere with PNW

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Hello Bernie, 


If you would not mind attaching the trafficboats file from YHBA I can give you a direct answer. Sorry, but I don't have YHBA installed on my working machine. I have to limit installs so I can troubleshoot my work. 



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Thanks Larry. I cannot remember if I replaced my trafficboats.bgl or not with this nor can I remember if it came from Orbx or not but it is in my YHBA folder as Ferry Fix. If I have put it in it would have been overwritten by PNW version I presume. Question then is because trafficboats.bgl is different after PNW update can I do anything with this YHBA version to keep the fix?


Any help much Appreciated. 




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Hi Bernie, 


Thanks for the file. In the mean time Rob Abernathy had already helped me out:



The traffic file in the optional Ferry Fix folder is in fact a modified default boat traffic file.

The readme text file states:

The movement of ferries in FSX is controlled by a single global traffic file in Scenery\World\Scenery\trafficBoats.bgl


There are two solutions to removing the ferries which appear at the Hervey Bay Marina:


1. Drag your boat traffic slider to zero


2. Copy the trafficBoats.bgl file in this folder into your Scenery\World\Scenery folder


If you use the Pacific Northwest Ferries, neither of these solutions would work. Either you would see no PNW ferries, or you would see duplicate boats.


I’ll make the same minor adjustment used for YHBA in the traffic file for the PNW ferries. I’m working on adding the Mill Bay to Brentwood Bay ferry  and the updated traffic file will have the YHBA fix.  I may just post the few additional files as a zip file rather than go through a formal update.


Here are the specifics: the optional YHBA traffic file deletes routes 2267 and 2787 that both go to the Hervey Bay marina. (Route 2788 was never implemented.)  I have set the slider percentage necessary for these routes to be active at 99%. (This is the safest way to deactivate routes.)



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