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operating temp for my pc ?


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hi guys just wanted to know wat my temps should be for my pc?it is OC to 4.1gig ,my specs are in my signator ,my current operating temps are 65 to 72,at the core,cheers.

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Pronunciation and spelling aside , I consider 72 a bit warm but you are OC'd by a good margin too. Are the temperatures under load or at idle? If the 72 degrees is at idle then I feel you may have a cooling issue.

Remember it doesn't matter how good your cooling fan or system is because there is a finite amount of space that can be contacted to conductivity remove this heat, there fore you might need to look at active cooling methods like a Peltier device or similar to remove this heat. Be warned though if the device fails you could fry your system so make darn sure the Thermal Cut-off has been set.

One of the best types of coolers like this I have seen was a Peltier Water cooler with large fan for the heat generated and the chilled 2 Deg water cycled through the liquid cooling block on the CPU, the result was a 4Ghz + i7 running at around 10 - 30 Deg average idle to full load respectively.

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A "core Temp" is usually an average of all your cores, but one core may be running hotter (especially if you are running with HT enabled)

Different chips (even in the same series) run at markedly different temps.  The playoff is chip-life vs performance.

Memory temperatures may be significantly different to "CORE" temps which are CPU  .. depending on case / cooler / voltages / memory type and heat spreaders .. etc

Graphics card temperatures are separate again (not running the recent Nvidia drivers with the faulty fan control?)

It seems that numbercruching doesn't affect it ... but FSX does.  Any other 3D intensive apps cause problems?  Gfx card temps are reported on RealTemp (and OCCT from memory)

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OK don't believe me about Peltier devices ?  Well have a little look see here.

This is a device I cannibalised from a Fridge Water cooler for another project but have been thinking about sandwiching it between my CPU and the Cool Master V8.

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The Device as extracted from the fridge.

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Temperature at the Ambient ( I had just had my hand on it to seat the thermal paste)

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30 Seconds from Power up already - 2 Deg C

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45 Seconds -8 Deg C

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1 Min - 11 Deg C

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Heat Sink Temperature adjacent the device just 25 Deg C

The White Box  on the left in Picture 1 is the 240 - 12V DC Power supply and temp control which can be done away with.

Connecting just the Peltier device to a Hard drive power connector and sandwiching between the current cooler and my V8 heat sink and fan. Remember these devices create great heat themselves that is must be dissipated by the current Cooler and the Peltier device has a hot side and a cold and must be placed cold side to the CPU to work.

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