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New GPU... HELP!!!


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Hi there guys. First Post here. Just made the jump from Nvidia to ATi today and got myself a 5870. I've never used an ATi card before so I'm confused about settings for FSX and I was wondering if you could lend a hand. I'd like to now setting for the CCC and also the FSX config file. The rest of my spec is as follows:

i5 750 @ 4GHz

4GB DDR3 1600MHz RAM

XFX HD5870

23" Dell S2309W 1920 x 1080

Thanks in advance,


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welcome to the forum ,i have the 5870 ati card and i have tried all the aa/af/midmaping settings and tried to set them higher i found setting the card to the defalt settings worked best for me ,the higher the setting i went the much lower frames i was getting but im running daul monitors ,i have the update drivers 10.3, it runs ok ,i dont think im much help here but defalt video card settings work best for me tho display detail suffers slightly not much ,i do all the settings for display in ftx it self ,good luck.

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i am using a Gigabyte 5870 and cant complain at all, on average flying around Australia at below 10 000ft i get anywhere between 42 - 76fps depending on the scenery around, only place i have problems is YMML where it can be between 14 - 42fps depending on which view your looking at.....flying a jet at FL310 i get around 80 - 140fps....as you guess i have it set as unlimited.

settings i use is :-

AA - 8X Box

AAMode - Adaptive Multi-sample AA

AF - 8X

AI - Standard

Mipmap - High Quality

i cant say you will have the same results but it will give you somewhere to start.....good luck you will enjoy the 5870

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