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What are the Download Sizes of TE GB Updates

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Hi Nick / Jon,


Is there any chance you could find out what size the downloads are for new TE GB Updates are please? The problem is that while they might in actuality be quite small, on the other hand they could potentially be very large indeed and from a timing point of view it would be really useful to know what we are letting ourselves in for.




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Information for others - these are small downloads of 2.03GB, 1.55GB and 1.33GB so no long downloads.


For those of us with slower internet connections, knowing the size of update downloads in advance would be very useful and I do think this information should be displayed prominently on ORBX Central next to the Install button. I speak from bitter experience having got caught out with one of the X-Plane TrueEarth updates which turned out to be over 40 GB - some update!

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2 hours ago, JohnVulcan said:

these are small downloads of 2.03GB, 1.55GB and 1.33GB so no long downloads.


For those of us with slower internet connections, knowing the size of update downloads in advance would be very useful



I fully agree, even those size for me are to big, this mean I have to bring my rig to my shop.


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