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NZ Autogen missing (P3D v4.5)

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Can anyone help, please?


Following on from installing the two new True Earth GB sceneries, I have had issues with Autogen disappearing in other Orbx titles. I have managed to resolve all of these but have now discovered that my Autogen is missing from both NZ titles.


I have verified both NZ titles.

I have verified the Orbx libraries.

I have tried the Resynchronise Simulator option.

I have tried running the France VFR AGX title and still no joy.


Can anyone suggest a solution, please?


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All of your autogen, or just a small area east of NZCH? Whenever I add or update anything through Orbx Central (or FTX Central), that area often ends up bare of autogen. Verifying never fixes it. I end up uninstalling then reinstalling NZSI from my backup to get it right, and try my best not to mess with any other scenery to keep it that way. When I do full updates of P3D, I install NZSI dead last. Your issue might be completely different though. I've never had trouble with NZNI.

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