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Flat chat CPU


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G'day, i'm trying different bufferpool settings and I read on these forums that an entry of Poolsize=0 does wonders but could be hit and miss for some computers. Well I tried it and it made a great improvement around Coffs. I noticed on my keyboards little screen that tells you CPU and RAM usage (don't know how accurate they are though) the CPU was getting a real workout and on a few occasions was pinned all the way to 100%.

I don't know too much about hardware but is that an ok thing for the CPU to manage all the time? Or are you pushing it's boundaries?

Also on another note, what are artifacts? Are they quick flashes of weird colour textures or something similar, or did I read that wrong somewhere?

So looking at my system specs, can I put the foot to the boards and not blow a piston?

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Bufferpools is not a setting that affects the CPU, it affects how FSX utilizes your VRAM (Video Card RAM). It probably had little effect on your CPU usage.

Artifacts are ANYTHING that shouldn't be rendered. I occasionally get "spikes" in the scenery that look like lines running straight up and down when I am using BP=0 in high density urban scenery areas.

And don't worry about your CPU running 100%. It's your temperatures that you should worry about, not the total processor usage. In a perfect world with a perfect program (which FSX is not unfortunately), all cores of a CPU would run 100% in order to stem stutters, blurries, etc.

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