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P3Dv4.5 Stutters with Papua Tapini Bushstrips


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Hello together,


first of all I would like to point out that I am quite impressed with the ORBX products I own and have not run in many issues with them, that could not be solved by minor changes that are described on the web.


Recently I purchased all of the Papua products here and the Mesh, the Jackson Intl. as well as Emo Mission work stutter free with reasonable FPS, but all of the 7 Tapini Bushstrips cause severe stutters on my system. I get severly jumping FPS between 10 and 40 FPS, normally these stay at constant mid 30ies and above if at unlimited and if locked to 30, never much below these 30. So I am wondering what is causing this and if there is a solution to this, since my rig should actually be powerful enough to handle these airfields. I tried al lot of things to get this runnig but nothing seems to work. I have found a youtube video that describes the same issues in the description as well as a possible solution which is not working in my case.



Just to give you an idea what I have been trying so far and I am sure I forgot some ideas already I want to name a few: externally limiting frames (RivaStatisticsServerTool in MSI Afterburner), same internally, vsync off and on, changing autogen density, autogen draw distance, various shaders, changing monitor refresh rate and adjusting framerate accordingly, shadows off, refections off, special effects to medium or low, of course all of these together and separatly, always starting with the same flight from Kosipe, same weather settings. Tried with FPS-friendly and -demanding aircraft. Even switched off the REX SkyForce Clouds.


Since I do not find a way to obtain a satisfying result and my sim is working fine in every other aspect with a some other demanding sceneries, I am wondering now if there might be something wrong with the TAP files when used with P3Dv4.5. 


So any suggestons, ideas, solutions or statements are welcome here. If any further information is needed I am happy to provide such.


With best regards and Christmas Greetings,


Intel i9-9900K 3.6Ghz not overclocked - 2 x 16GB Corsair Vengeance RGB DDR4 RAM - Nvidia Geforce 2080Ti - Samsung SSD 970 EVo Plus 1TB
P3Dv4.5 - PTA - A2A AccuFeel - Rex SkyForce3D

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