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Orbx Central not showing directly installed Orbx airports


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Hello fellow simmers. A while ago I discovered Orbx and their products, I started by installing Orbx Central on my Ubuntu 18.04LTS Linux desktop and play around a bit with the free stuff (Orbx Libraries, SAM) and a few airports like EGNX. EGNX is installed in X-Plane's 'Custom Scenery' folder via Orbx Central. Please not that all TE scenery is the SD version and X-Plane is located on a SSD while I created an Orbx Library on a 2TB HDD.


I installed the TE scenery in this library. The following airports were directly installed in X-Plane:





This month I have bought all of the TE scenery that is available for X-Plane: TE GB (all of them) and the US west coast. I am currently installing all of the TE US scenery.


My 'problem' is that Orbx Central is not showing EGNX as installed although it really is. It looks like Orbx is looking at stale or wrong information about everything that is installed in X-Plane directly. I write 'everything', because SAM and the Orbx Library were also missing. I fixed those by deleting them and reinstalling them. After which I noticed that nothing that is directly installed is reported like that in Orbx Central.


Is there a fix for this incorrect reporting of Orbx installed products?



Please note that I have not added a log.txt or scenery_packs.ini because I feel this is an Orbx Central issue.


Sorry if this has been asked before, I scanned the forum for alike questions and checked the Central User Guide before posting.


Orbx Central screenshot showing EGNX as 'not installed':

Screenshot from 2019-12-24 17-56-08.png


File explorer showing the linked TE scenery and the directly installed airport EGNX:

Screenshot from 2019-12-24 18-01-23.png

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I fixed my problem.


I have multiple X-Plane installations on my desktop. Somehow Orbx Central was looking at a fallback installation (a clean installation I keep on the side, to test a specific airplane or plugin) instead of my base installation.


To correct this, I have closed Orbx Central and edited the file


And I have changed the part below (changing "fallback" to "base").

  "currentSimulator": {
    "abbreviation": "xp11",
    "abbreviationDownload": "",
    "base": "xp",
    "configuration": {
      "sceneryConfigPath": "/home/user/Desktop/X-Plane 11.fallback/Custom Scenery/scenery_packs.ini"
    "executable": "X-Plane-x86_64",
    "name": "X-Plane 11",
    "rootPath": "/home/user/Desktop/X-Plane 11.fallback"

After saving the file I started Orbx Central again. The airpoirts appeared as installed again!


However, my TE US scenery was not installed properly. To fix this I had to sync Orbx Central and X-Plane.




After this, all is good and well again.


Going to check out some more awesome scenery now! :-)

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