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multiple PC


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I have built a cockpit using several PC's each with an external view. If I buy ORBX products would I be able to download onto a memory stick and then install it on all PC's. I'm using FSX on Windows 7.




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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @kryten999,


The installation of an Orbx product requires Orbx Central to perform the installation. You'll need to download Orbx Central onto the PC where your simulator is installed and use it to install your products either into the simulator or another location on your PC via a library.

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Hello Josh,

  My cockpit consists of several networked PCs. Each displays an external view and so it is important that each PC shows identical scenery. If I buy a copy of Orbx scenery would I be able to install it on each networked PC? Buying a copy of the scenery for every PC would cost too much. I can do this for other scenery I buy such as from Aerosoft, Megascenery, Horizon etc but I want to make sure that I can do it for Orbx products as well.


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