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Mixing Regions with Global Base+Vector+LC


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Hi all,


I was wondering if anyone knows. 


I have all of the NA regions installed perfect in P3Dv4 with 25 payware airports collected throughout the years. Everything is peachy keen.


I own Global Base and Vector and my finger is hovering over the isntall button. But before I do.... I love my regions and I would not want ANYTHING to change one way or the other inside of said regions.


Will Global installs at this point impact my NA regions in any way?



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No.  The regions are self contained.  The BIG advantage with Global, Vectors and Land Class is that if you fly outside of the region the scenery transition is seamless.  While the scenery outside of the region is not as detailed, it matches that of the region, and is WAY better than the default.  In short, if you only fly within the region, nothing else is necessary, but if you fly outside of the region, these add-ons are wonderful, and well worth the money. I wouldn't be without them.


Besides, all ORBX  products are designed to work together so you can mix and match them with confidence.



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