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Elevation Issues at LPPT

Ed Burton

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I am not sure what software is causing my problem  to be honest.  I have just installed LPPT and all I can see is the tip of the tail of my 738 sticking through the runway like the fin of a shark. I have tried numerous things without any luck. Running P3d4.5. I have Orbx Vector, Landclass and Innsbruck and a few others from the Orbx library.


1}disabled Freemesh as thought this may be causing issues

2) renamed lisbon.bgl in P3D4/scenery/world to lisbonoff.bgl

3)ran the Orbx elevation tool. it says it has successfully completed the task of disabling LPPT elevation

4) scoured my drive for other afcads for lppt but could not find any

5)LPPT above P3D and Orbx sceneries in the P3D scenery library


I'm starting to run out of ideas and was hoping someone here may be able to help


Best Regards,


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One thing that has helped me with similar elevation issues is to verify the particular landclass region where the problem exists. I also verify the libraries. It will take you a few minutes to go through the routines, but if it works for you (as it has done for me with NALC)  you will consider it time well spent. btw, this was a suggestion from resident guru NIck Cooper who gets the credit, not me...:-)



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Hi Sherman,

Sounds like a great suggestion, but I'm not sure how to go about it. Would one verify the coordinates of the airport in question with the P3D coordinates  and then search through the files for landclass files that match those coordinates?


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Hi Ed, no. Open Orbx Central. under your owned product list, highlight the land class involved...for Europe, not sure of designation since I do not have it in front of me. But, the last two letters will be LC.


Click to highlight it. Scroll down a bit and you will see that it shows as installed. Below that are options to uninstall or verify. Click verify. That will rebuild the entire file. It will take a few minutes. Then, locate your libraries, and  verify them. Shut down CENTRAL.  You could also run the full AEC routine in Vector, not sure if that is mandatory. Boot up the sim and see if that solves the issue. If not, it will take greater minds than mine..



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