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Transaction ID: 5d90981c29356. Installation problems. PC Freeze

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Transaction ID: 5d90981c29356



I've purchased yours products TrueEarth Great Britain Central, North and South for Xplane 11. Previously I've download and installed the Great Britain South Demo with no problems, all OK.


My PC is i8700K, nVIDIA 1080, 32 Gb RAM and 1,2 Tb HD free for installation.  I start the installation and always with the same resultate. The process of scanning and extraction its OK, but the process of Conversion, in the 10-15% fail. The program stop the conversion, freeze the keyboard and mouse and reboot the PC. The blue screen messsage is DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION.

Its the same with the three products. I'd proved downloading whith Orbx Central and with the download Manually. The same resultat. The process of Conversions fail.


What could be the problem ? Three days ago I'did tests and the result is the same, only the number of converteds files varies.




PD.Sorry for my english 

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