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Version.txt for Washington TE after Enhancement Pack?


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Having re-run the updater for Orbx Central following my recent post here I have managed to be able to install my Barton update, Washington Enhancement pack and Honolulu Cityscape.


BUT, I still had the "duplicate installation" issue with both HD and SD of Washington showing as installed and the accompaning error message saying they can't be installed (?)




I dug around and found the recommendation to rename the "version.txt" file in "Orbx_A_US_Washington_TE_Custom", so I did that (renamed "version_us_washington-ep-xp11.txt" to "...-hd-ep-xp11.txt" and then found Orbx Central reporting neither version (HD or SD) installed. Sigh. Renamed it back, and they're still not installed. OK, they're there and I guess I can fly in them, but I'd like to get my installation correctly set up. Actually, what I'd really like to do is wake up tomorrow and find Orbx Central was all a bad dream, but then I've learnt you don't always get what you want.


So, can anyone please tell me what the version.txt file should be called and what its contents should be. Maybe someone with a successful install can upload their version?



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Guest Josh Koz

Hi Andy,


The two version files that would be of interest in this case are:

<Orbx Library>\xp11\TrueEarth US Washington SD\version_us-washington-sd-xp11.txt

<Orbx Library>\xp11\TrueEarth US Washington HD\version_us-washington-xp11.txt


You should only have either the HD or SD version installed not both. Remove the the version file for the one of these or perform an uninstall of that product.

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4 hours ago, Josh Koz said:

Hi Andy,


The two version files that would be of interest in this case are:

<Orbx Library>\xp11\TrueEarth US Washington SD\version_us-washington-sd-xp11.txt

<Orbx Library>\xp11\TrueEarth US Washington HD\version_us-washington-xp11.txt


You should only have either the HD or SD version installed not both. Remove the the version file for the one of these or perform an uninstall of that product.

Hi Josh,


I just renamed my "version_us-washington-ep-xp11.txt" to "version_us-washington-xp11.txt" as per your post. Central is now reporting that I have US Washington HD installed and awaiting an update to 1.0.1, but if I click on the Enhancement pack it is showing "Owned" and "ready to install", even though it is already installed. US Washington SD is no longer showing as installed though, so that aspect is resolved, thanks.


My version text file contents read - "Orbx TrueEarth Washington 1.0.1 July 2019"

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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @andy1252,


You can simply click install on the Enhancement pack. Orbx Central will scan the files, detect it is installed, download any missing files then and mark it as installed.


EDIT: Just to expand on this the release notes for Orbx Central 4.0.10 clarify the steps to resolve the issue with both HD/SD showing as installed.



Oregon HD and SD both showing as installed
The easiest way to resolve this is to rename one of the Oregon version text files so that Orbx Central can distinguish the two products.


  1. Find your install of TrueEarth US Oregon. This will either be in <xp11>/Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom, or if you installed it to a library, it will be <library>/Orbx TrueEarth US Oregon SD/Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom` or <library>/Orbx TrueEarth US Oregon HD/Custom Scenery/Orbx_A_US_Oregon_TE_Custom (depending on whether you have the SD or HD version installed).
  2. If you have the HD version installed, rename version.txt to version_us-oregon-hd-xp11.txt. If you have the SD version installed, rename version.txt to version_us-oregon-sd-xp11.txt.

From here:


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Hi Josh,


not being argumentative here, but there is some inconsistency in the information in your replies.


You refer to the Orbx Central v4.0.10 released post, which includes the comment about dealing with the Oregon HD and SD both showing as installed issue -

9 hours ago, Josh Koz said:

If you have the HD version installed, rename version.txt to version_us-oregon-hd-xp11.txt. If you have the SD version installed, rename version.txt to version_us-oregon-sd-xp11.txt.


and then your own advice

On 9/16/2019 at 3:41 AM, Josh Koz said:

The two version files that would be of interest in this case are:

<Orbx Library>\xp11\TrueEarth US Washington SD\version_us-washington-sd-xp11.txt

<Orbx Library>\xp11\TrueEarth US Washington HD\version_us-washington-xp11.txt


uses a slightly different format.  Oregon has version files suffixed either hd-xp11.txt or sd-xp11.txt but Washington uses either plain -xp11.txt or sd-xp11.txt. I would respectfully suggest that consistency in this sort of thing among the developers would make life a bit easier in the event of issues like the ones I was having.


Anyway, regardless of whatever caused this situation, I have now "re-installed" the EP as per your suggestion, and the end result is that I have two version files -


version_us-washington-xp11.txt  - contents read Orbx TrueEarth Washington 1.0.1 July 2019

version_us-washington-ep-xp11.txt  - contents read Orbx TrueEarth Washington Enhancement Pack - X-Plane 11 1.0.0 Septemer 2019


So all done, as far as I'm concerned. Thanks for your help


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Guest Josh Koz

Hi @andy1252,


Apologies for the inconsistency, I had incorrectly copied the filenames from my own installation which is slightly different.


However I'm glad that the issue is now resolved for you. 

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