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ORBX Central could not download and save the manifest


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Hi I am trying to download several products and I am getting the message Can't download and save the manifest.

Here is my log:

2019-09-07T00:48:55.749Z [INFO] [Main] - Orbx Central - 4.0.12
2019-09-07T00:48:55.755Z [INFO] [Main] - Windows_NT 10.0.17134
2019-09-07T00:48:55.760Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env APPDATA: C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Roaming
2019-09-07T00:48:55.765Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env PROGRAMDATA: C:\ProgramData
2019-09-07T00:48:55.770Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env LOCALAPPDATA: C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Local
2019-09-07T00:49:03.791Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onStartupEvent fired.
2019-09-07T00:49:03.804Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T00:49:04.107Z [INFO] [Central::AppComponent] - Version 4.0.12
2019-09-07T00:49:04.205Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T00:49:04.220Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onLogin fired.
2019-09-07T00:49:04.557Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:49:04.693Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:49:04.842Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Saturn binary found at: saturn-win\Saturn.exe
2019-09-07T00:49:05.236Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active

2019-09-07T00:49:05.236Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Attempting to listen on

2019-09-07T00:49:05.236Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Listening started

2019-09-07T00:49:05.237Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Waiting for a connection
2019-09-07T00:49:05.238Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Socket connected.
2019-09-07T00:49:05.238Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Connected to Saturn.
2019-09-07T00:49:05.239Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Connected to client
2019-09-07T00:49:05.707Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Loading previous simulator from settings.
2019-09-07T00:49:05.721Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Selected Prepar3D v4 at path C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:05.721Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onSimSelected fired.
2019-09-07T00:49:05.723Z [INFO] [Central::LibraryService] - Found 1 libraries.
2019-09-07T00:49:06.414Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Scanning for installed products.
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Found 14 potential products installed.
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx Libraries (Orbx Libraries Version 190601 1 June 2019) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - AU Australia v2 (Orbx Australia Version 2.0.0 June 2019) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YBRM Broome International Airport (FTX AU YBRM BROOME INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - Version 1.1 - December 2014) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YMML Melbourne International Airport V3 (FTX AU YMML MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT VERSION 3.10 - AUGUST 2016) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global BASE Pack (Orbx Global BASE Pack 1.4.2 - August 2019) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Airport Pack (Orbx Global Freeware Airports - April 2019) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Lights Configurator (FTX GLOBAL Lights Configurator - Version 1.30 June 2017) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Southern California (FTX NA SCA Southern California Version 1.10 May 2017) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC North America (FTX openLC North America Version 1.20 - January 2017) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KGPI Glacier Park International Airport (FTX US KGPI Glacier Park Airport - Version 1.10 January 2019) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CityScene Gold Coast (Orbx CityScene Gold Coast Version 1.00 February 2018) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YBCG Gold Coast Airport (Orbx YBCG Gold Coast Airport - Version 1.00 May 2018) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx ObjectFlow (Orbx ObjectFlow 2.1.0 - May 2019) - Library (Main Library) - C:\Users\Antho\Orbx Library
2019-09-07T00:49:06.595Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - SODE SimObject Display Engine (1.6.4) - Legacy - C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\SODE
2019-09-07T00:49:06.596Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installed product analytics.
2019-09-07T00:49:22.816Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Not using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T00:49:22.818Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Setting simIsRunning cached value.
2019-09-07T00:49:24.048Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T00:49:24.050Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Beginning install process for eglc.
2019-09-07T00:49:24.050Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching download details...
2019-09-07T00:49:24.050Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Installation target: Simulator (Prepar3D v4)
2019-09-07T00:49:24.050Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set eglc installing property to true
2019-09-07T00:49:24.050Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Awaiting download details...
2019-09-07T00:49:24.410Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Got download details.
2019-09-07T00:49:24.411Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Latest build of eglc is Orbx EGLC London City Airport 1.0.0 - August 2019
2019-09-07T00:49:24.411Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - This product has 0 prerequisites.
2019-09-07T00:49:24.411Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Details fetched.
2019-09-07T00:49:24.411Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching manifest...
2019-09-07T00:49:24.439Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Wrote to C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\eglc.m.c4
2019-09-07T00:49:24.929Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set eglc installing property to false
2019-09-07T00:49:24.929Z [ERROR] [Central::ProductService] - {"code":"UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE"}
2019-09-07T00:51:17.136Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Disconnected from Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:51:29.298Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:51:32.511Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:51:40.184Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T00:51:41.360Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T00:51:41.360Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Beginning install process for eglc.
2019-09-07T00:51:41.361Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching download details...
2019-09-07T00:51:41.361Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Installation target: Simulator (Prepar3D v4)
2019-09-07T00:51:41.361Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set eglc installing property to true
2019-09-07T00:51:41.361Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Awaiting download details...
2019-09-07T00:51:42.155Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Got download details.
2019-09-07T00:51:42.155Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Latest build of eglc is Orbx EGLC London City Airport 1.0.0 - August 2019
2019-09-07T00:51:42.155Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - This product has 0 prerequisites.
2019-09-07T00:51:42.155Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Details fetched.
2019-09-07T00:51:42.156Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching manifest...
2019-09-07T00:51:42.192Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Wrote to C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\eglc.m.c4
2019-09-07T00:51:42.840Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set eglc installing property to false
2019-09-07T00:51:42.840Z [ERROR] [Central::ProductService] - {"code":"UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE"}
2019-09-07T00:51:54.271Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T00:51:55.351Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T00:51:55.352Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Beginning install process for eglc.
2019-09-07T00:51:55.352Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching download details...
2019-09-07T00:51:55.352Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Installation target: Simulator (Prepar3D v4)
2019-09-07T00:51:55.352Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set eglc installing property to true
2019-09-07T00:51:55.352Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Awaiting download details...
2019-09-07T00:51:55.780Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Got download details.
2019-09-07T00:51:55.780Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Latest build of eglc is Orbx EGLC London City Airport 1.0.0 - August 2019
2019-09-07T00:51:55.781Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - This product has 0 prerequisites.
2019-09-07T00:51:55.781Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Details fetched.
2019-09-07T00:51:55.781Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching manifest...
2019-09-07T00:51:55.809Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Wrote to C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\eglc.m.c4
2019-09-07T00:51:56.344Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set eglc installing property to false
2019-09-07T00:51:56.345Z [ERROR] [Central::ProductService] - {"code":"UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE"}
2019-09-07T00:52:10.745Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Disconnected from Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:52:16.959Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:52:17.135Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:54:02.106Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Disconnected from Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:54:04.107Z [INFO] [Central::ProductService] - Checking for outdated products. Found 1.
2019-09-07T00:54:04.108Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Beginning install process for ymml.
2019-09-07T00:54:04.108Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching download details...
2019-09-07T00:54:04.108Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Installation target: Directory (C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\)
2019-09-07T00:54:04.110Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set ymml installing property to true
2019-09-07T00:54:04.110Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Awaiting download details...
2019-09-07T00:54:11.354Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:54:11.447Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:54:12.596Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Got download details.
2019-09-07T00:54:12.596Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Latest build of ymml is Orbx YMML Melbourne International Airport 3.2.1 - June 2019
2019-09-07T00:54:12.596Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - This product has 1 prerequisites.
2019-09-07T00:54:12.598Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Details fetched.
2019-09-07T00:54:12.598Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching manifest...
2019-09-07T00:54:12.637Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Wrote to C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\ymml.m.c4
2019-09-07T00:54:13.125Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set ymml installing property to false
2019-09-07T00:54:13.125Z [ERROR] [Central::ProductService] - {"code":"UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE"}
2019-09-07T00:54:13.125Z [ERROR] [Central::ProductService] - {}
2019-09-07T00:57:43.134Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Disconnected from Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:57:45.217Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:57:45.301Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T00:59:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T00:59:04.483Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T01:09:04.134Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T01:09:04.653Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T01:12:33.963Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Disconnected from Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T01:12:36.350Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T01:12:36.433Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T01:19:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T01:19:04.139Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T01:19:04.150Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T01:19:04.609Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T01:19:04.626Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T01:26:07.139Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Disconnected from Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T01:26:11.487Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T01:26:11.568Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T01:29:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T01:29:04.700Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T01:37:06.135Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Disconnected from Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T01:37:15.447Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T01:37:15.528Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T01:39:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T01:39:04.655Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T01:49:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T01:49:04.138Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T01:49:04.152Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T01:49:04.586Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T01:49:04.595Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T01:59:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T01:59:04.668Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T02:09:04.137Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T02:09:04.699Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T02:19:04.138Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T02:19:04.143Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T02:19:04.153Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T02:19:04.828Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T02:19:04.843Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T02:29:04.138Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T02:29:04.643Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T02:39:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T02:39:04.676Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T02:49:04.138Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T02:49:04.142Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T02:49:04.154Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T02:49:05.013Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T02:49:05.029Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T02:59:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T02:59:04.605Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T03:09:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T03:09:04.588Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T03:19:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T03:19:04.140Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T03:19:04.149Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T03:19:04.689Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T03:19:04.713Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T03:29:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T03:29:04.594Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T03:39:04.137Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T03:39:04.596Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T03:49:04.137Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T03:49:04.143Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T03:49:04.154Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T03:49:04.621Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T03:49:04.692Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T03:59:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T03:59:04.693Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T04:09:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T04:09:04.717Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T04:19:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T04:19:04.140Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T04:19:04.154Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T04:19:04.601Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T04:19:04.601Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T04:29:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T04:29:04.636Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T04:39:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T04:39:04.729Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T04:49:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T04:49:04.151Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T04:49:04.157Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T04:49:04.774Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T04:49:04.862Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T04:59:04.134Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T04:59:04.639Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T05:09:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T05:09:04.633Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T05:19:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T05:19:04.142Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T05:19:04.154Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T05:19:04.910Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T05:19:04.909Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T05:29:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T05:29:04.715Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T05:39:04.137Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T05:39:04.677Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T05:49:04.134Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T05:49:04.138Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T05:49:04.151Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T05:49:04.954Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T05:49:05.074Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T05:59:04.134Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T05:59:04.625Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T06:09:04.138Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T06:09:04.754Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T06:19:04.138Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T06:19:04.145Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T06:19:04.153Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T06:19:04.626Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T06:19:04.953Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T06:29:04.143Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T06:29:04.729Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T06:39:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T06:39:04.702Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T06:49:04.134Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T06:49:04.189Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T06:49:04.196Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T06:49:04.781Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T06:49:04.824Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T06:59:04.141Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T06:59:04.721Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T07:09:04.139Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T07:09:05.384Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T07:19:04.160Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T07:19:04.161Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T07:19:04.229Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T07:19:04.799Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T07:19:05.024Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T07:29:04.137Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T07:29:04.561Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T07:39:04.141Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T07:39:04.576Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T07:49:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T07:49:04.148Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T07:49:04.154Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T07:49:05.010Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T07:49:05.028Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T07:59:04.134Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T07:59:05.021Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T08:09:04.143Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T08:09:05.072Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T08:19:04.186Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T08:19:04.187Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T08:19:04.204Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T08:19:04.932Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T08:19:05.078Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T08:29:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T08:29:04.665Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T08:39:04.239Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T08:39:05.452Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T08:49:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T08:49:04.161Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T08:49:04.170Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T08:49:05.487Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T08:49:05.900Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T08:59:04.147Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T08:59:04.677Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T09:09:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T09:09:04.685Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T09:19:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T09:19:04.143Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T09:19:04.151Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T09:19:04.851Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T09:19:04.864Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T09:29:04.330Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T09:29:04.901Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T09:39:04.137Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T09:39:04.733Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T09:49:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T09:49:04.139Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T09:49:04.149Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T09:49:05.082Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T09:49:05.294Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T09:59:04.134Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T09:59:04.594Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T10:09:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T10:09:04.584Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T10:19:04.144Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T10:19:04.152Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T10:19:04.160Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T10:19:04.906Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T10:19:04.922Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T10:29:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T10:29:04.730Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T10:39:04.148Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T10:39:04.678Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T10:49:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T10:49:04.139Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T10:49:04.151Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T10:49:05.648Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T10:49:05.658Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T10:59:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T10:59:05.553Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T11:09:04.134Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T11:09:05.494Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T11:19:04.139Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T11:19:04.143Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T11:19:04.154Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T11:19:04.723Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T11:19:04.784Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T11:29:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T11:29:04.707Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T11:39:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T11:39:04.706Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T11:49:04.141Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T11:49:04.155Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T11:49:04.163Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T11:49:04.720Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T11:49:04.722Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T11:59:04.134Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T11:59:04.593Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T12:09:04.136Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T12:09:04.854Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T12:19:04.135Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T12:19:04.146Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T12:19:04.153Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T12:19:04.636Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T12:19:04.651Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T12:29:04.137Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T12:29:05.328Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T12:39:04.140Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T12:39:05.164Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T12:49:04.138Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T12:49:04.146Z [INFO] [Central::UpdaterService] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T12:49:04.157Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T12:49:04.811Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T12:49:05.011Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T12:59:04.138Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T12:59:04.844Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T13:03:32.550Z [INFO] [Main] - Orbx Central - 4.0.12
2019-09-07T13:03:32.556Z [INFO] [Main] - Windows_NT 10.0.17134
2019-09-07T13:03:32.561Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env APPDATA: C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Roaming
2019-09-07T13:03:32.566Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env PROGRAMDATA: C:\ProgramData
2019-09-07T13:03:32.571Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env LOCALAPPDATA: C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Local
2019-09-07T13:03:43.851Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Not using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T13:03:43.851Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Setting simIsRunning cached value.
2019-09-07T13:03:44.338Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T13:03:44.338Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Beginning install process for ymml.
2019-09-07T13:03:44.338Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching download details...
2019-09-07T13:03:44.338Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Installation target: Directory (C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\)
2019-09-07T13:03:44.338Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set ymml installing property to true
2019-09-07T13:03:44.338Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Awaiting download details...
2019-09-07T13:03:44.962Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Got download details.
2019-09-07T13:03:44.962Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Latest build of ymml is Orbx YMML Melbourne International Airport 3.2.1 - June 2019
2019-09-07T13:03:44.963Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - This product has 1 prerequisites.
2019-09-07T13:03:44.963Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Details fetched.
2019-09-07T13:03:44.963Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching manifest...
2019-09-07T13:03:44.993Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Wrote to C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\ymml.m.c4
2019-09-07T13:03:45.531Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set ymml installing property to false
2019-09-07T13:03:45.531Z [ERROR] [Central::ProductService] - {"code":"UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE"}
2019-09-07T13:04:01.078Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Reading control panel configuration from C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\Scripts\orbx_cpl_ymml.xml
2019-09-07T13:04:01.095Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductConfigurationService] - Root configuration directory set to C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\ORBX\FTX_AU\FTXAA_YMML\Scenery
2019-09-07T13:04:05.163Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T13:04:05.163Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T13:04:05.163Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Beginning install process for ymml.
2019-09-07T13:04:05.163Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching download details...
2019-09-07T13:04:05.163Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Installation target: Directory (C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\)
2019-09-07T13:04:05.164Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set ymml installing property to true
2019-09-07T13:04:05.164Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Awaiting download details...
2019-09-07T13:04:06.482Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Got download details.
2019-09-07T13:04:06.482Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Latest build of ymml is Orbx YMML Melbourne International Airport 3.2.1 - June 2019
2019-09-07T13:04:06.482Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - This product has 1 prerequisites.
2019-09-07T13:04:06.483Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Details fetched.
2019-09-07T13:04:06.483Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching manifest...
2019-09-07T13:04:06.513Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Wrote to C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\ymml.m.c4
2019-09-07T13:04:06.888Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set ymml installing property to false
2019-09-07T13:04:06.889Z [ERROR] [Central::ProductService] - {"code":"UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE"}
2019-09-07T13:04:11.186Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T13:04:12.443Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T13:04:12.444Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Beginning install process for eglc.
2019-09-07T13:04:12.444Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching download details...
2019-09-07T13:04:12.444Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Installation target: Simulator (Prepar3D v4)
2019-09-07T13:04:12.444Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set eglc installing property to true
2019-09-07T13:04:12.444Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Awaiting download details...
2019-09-07T13:04:13.362Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Got download details.
2019-09-07T13:04:13.362Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Latest build of eglc is Orbx EGLC London City Airport 1.0.0 - August 2019
2019-09-07T13:04:13.362Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - This product has 0 prerequisites.
2019-09-07T13:04:13.362Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Details fetched.
2019-09-07T13:04:13.362Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching manifest...
2019-09-07T13:04:13.394Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Wrote to C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\eglc.m.c4
2019-09-07T13:04:13.809Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set eglc installing property to false
2019-09-07T13:04:13.809Z [ERROR] [Central::ProductService] - {"code":"UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE"}
2019-09-07T13:06:19.189Z [INFO] [Main] - Orbx Central - 4.0.12
2019-09-07T13:06:19.196Z [INFO] [Main] - Windows_NT 10.0.17134
2019-09-07T13:06:19.201Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env APPDATA: C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Roaming
2019-09-07T13:06:19.206Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env PROGRAMDATA: C:\ProgramData
2019-09-07T13:06:19.212Z [DEBUG] [Main] - env LOCALAPPDATA: C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Local
2019-09-07T13:06:19.249Z [INFO] [Main] - Booting splashscreen.
2019-09-07T13:06:19.752Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Loaded
2019-09-07T13:06:19.759Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Refreshing authentication.
2019-09-07T13:06:20.928Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Authentication refreshed.
2019-09-07T13:06:20.934Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Checking for updates...
2019-09-07T13:06:20.939Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Racing update check with timeout...
2019-09-07T13:06:20.945Z [INFO] [Main] - Checking for update
2019-09-07T13:06:22.833Z [INFO] [Main] - Update for version 4.0.12 is not available (latest version: 4.0.10, downgrade is disallowed).
2019-09-07T13:06:22.838Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] No updates available.
2019-09-07T13:06:22.844Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Boot requested.
2019-09-07T13:06:22.849Z [INFO] [Main] - [Main::Splash] Ready to launch application.
2019-09-07T13:06:22.854Z [INFO] [Main] - Application ready to start.
2019-09-07T13:06:22.859Z [INFO] [Main] - Creating main application window.
2019-09-07T13:06:24.490Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onStartupEvent fired.
2019-09-07T13:06:24.504Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Refreshing session...
2019-09-07T13:06:24.645Z [INFO] [Central::AppComponent] - Version 4.0.12
2019-09-07T13:06:24.883Z [INFO] [Central::AuthService] - Session refresh successful!
2019-09-07T13:06:24.897Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onLogin fired.
2019-09-07T13:06:25.308Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Connected to Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T13:06:25.446Z [INFO] [Central::SocketService] - Authenticated with Socket.IO.
2019-09-07T13:06:25.506Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Saturn binary found at: saturn-win\Saturn.exe
2019-09-07T13:06:25.818Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Saturn active

2019-09-07T13:06:25.818Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Attempting to listen on

2019-09-07T13:06:25.818Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Listening started

2019-09-07T13:06:25.818Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Waiting for a connection
2019-09-07T13:06:25.820Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Socket connected.
2019-09-07T13:06:25.820Z [INFO] [Central::IpcService] - Connected to Saturn.
2019-09-07T13:06:25.820Z [INFO] [Saturn] - Connected to client
2019-09-07T13:06:26.209Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Loading previous simulator from settings.
2019-09-07T13:06:26.218Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Selected Prepar3D v4 at path C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:26.219Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onSimSelected fired.
2019-09-07T13:06:26.220Z [INFO] [Central::LibraryService] - Found 1 libraries.
2019-09-07T13:06:27.133Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Scanning for installed products.
2019-09-07T13:06:27.258Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Found 14 potential products installed.
2019-09-07T13:06:27.258Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx Libraries (Orbx Libraries Version 190601 1 June 2019) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.258Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - AU Australia v2 (Orbx Australia Version 2.0.0 June 2019) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.258Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YBRM Broome International Airport (FTX AU YBRM BROOME INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT - Version 1.1 - December 2014) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.259Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YMML Melbourne International Airport V3 (FTX AU YMML MELBOURNE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT VERSION 3.10 - AUGUST 2016) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.259Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global BASE Pack (Orbx Global BASE Pack 1.4.2 - August 2019) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.259Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Airport Pack (Orbx Global Freeware Airports - April 2019) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.259Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global Lights Configurator (FTX GLOBAL Lights Configurator - Version 1.30 June 2017) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.259Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - NA Southern California (FTX NA SCA Southern California Version 1.10 May 2017) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.259Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Global openLC North America (FTX openLC North America Version 1.20 - January 2017) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.259Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - KGPI Glacier Park International Airport (FTX US KGPI Glacier Park Airport - Version 1.10 January 2019) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.259Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - CityScene Gold Coast (Orbx CityScene Gold Coast Version 1.00 February 2018) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.259Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - YBCG Gold Coast Airport (Orbx YBCG Gold Coast Airport - Version 1.00 May 2018) - Legacy - C:\Program Files\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v4\
2019-09-07T13:06:27.259Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Orbx ObjectFlow (Orbx ObjectFlow 2.1.0 - May 2019) - Library (Main Library) - C:\Users\Antho\Orbx Library
2019-09-07T13:06:27.259Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - SODE SimObject Display Engine (1.6.4) - Legacy - C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\SODE
2019-09-07T13:06:27.260Z [INFO] [Central::AnalyticsService] - Sending installed product analytics.
2019-09-07T13:06:35.149Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Not using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T13:06:35.149Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Setting simIsRunning cached value.
2019-09-07T13:06:36.622Z [DEBUG] [Central::SimulatorService] - Using simIsRunningCache
2019-09-07T13:06:36.623Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Beginning install process for eglc.
2019-09-07T13:06:36.623Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching download details...
2019-09-07T13:06:36.623Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Installation target: Simulator (Prepar3D v4)
2019-09-07T13:06:36.623Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set eglc installing property to true
2019-09-07T13:06:36.623Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Awaiting download details...
2019-09-07T13:06:37.005Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Got download details.
2019-09-07T13:06:37.005Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Latest build of eglc is Orbx EGLC London City Airport 1.0.0 - August 2019
2019-09-07T13:06:37.005Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - This product has 0 prerequisites.
2019-09-07T13:06:37.006Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Details fetched.
2019-09-07T13:06:37.006Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Fetching manifest...
2019-09-07T13:06:37.035Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Wrote to C:\Users\Antho\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx\eglc.m.c4
2019-09-07T13:06:37.477Z [DEBUG] [Central::ProductService] - Set eglc installing property to false
2019-09-07T13:06:37.477Z [ERROR] [Central::ProductService] - {"code":"UNABLE_TO_VERIFY_LEAF_SIGNATURE"}


 @Mitchell Williamson 


Operating system:  Windows 10

Simulator:  P3D




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