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Strange artifacting


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I have just had a flight where the graphics card started displaying these artifacts on the screen, almost like old tv static. Haven't had this before,the only difference I know of is that this flight had lots of cloud and driving snow/rain.

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Perhaps this taxed the card more than usual and this is a heat issue? Once I quit the flight, the aircraft preview window in main menu also exhibited this noise for a minute or so but as I type this it has now gone.  Restarting flight brings it back immediately.

Anyone have any idea what may be causing this?

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Are you running the Bufferpools=0 tweak? 

I got something similar to this, but not as bad, about a week ago.  I think it was a corruption of graphic card memory.  Try restarting the computer itself.  That got rid of it for me.

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I am running BP=0 so perhaps that is the cause of it. A reboot solved it, which was a relief since the corruption was also visible on desktop after closing FSX. Haven't seen again yet, hopefully it won't be a regular symptom of BP tweak.

Shame I'm forced to use this tweak to remove stutters but what can you do?

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Yeah, that's what I thought, and I also had the corruption on the desktop as well.  I'm not fully happy with the tweak, but its results are almost miraculous on my system.  So, I'll put up with an occasional anomaly for it, I think.  I've not had that particular corruption again. 

I've found that a high Terrain_Bandwidth_Mult setting helps with the anomalies.

I think I get more anomalies when the gpu is having to work hard to keep up or not having to work at all.  So, in other words, when I'm flying in the 20's even though I've set the limiter in the 40s, or when I'm flying in the 40s (because of the limiter) but the gpu could throw up rates in the 80s or higher if it weren't limited.  So, even running BP=0, it seems to work best if I've adjusted my settings so that the system is having to work hard enough to keep things at the rate I've set for the limiter, but fully at that rate.

Hope that makes sense.  And I'm still learning about this tweak, since I've only started using it since I got the payware AU airports a few months ago.

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Yeah your description makes sense, I haven't had enough experience of it myself to come to any conclusions about how and why these artifacts happen.

I too have increased TBM, currently at 120 - This has pretty much totally removed the weird spikes and floating tree anomalies that BP=0 brought. Not sure if it's a coincidence that I got these latest artifacts soon after I increased TBM from 80 to 120, but as you say it's a toss up between the odd annoying glitch vs framerate.

Bottom line is that I'm more immersed in the FSX world than ever before, despite these niggles, I guess that says a lot about the quality of the orbx products.

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Hi there,

I had this same problem myself a few weeks ago, but resolved it

I had upgraded my drivers from 181.71 to 196.21 and then to 196.34 just installing the drivers on top of each other, then I would get a "driver crash" that would "resolve itself" but then the artefacts would appear on the screen, only a reboot would totally get rid of the artefacts

Solution (for me) : Go into device manager, click on the GPU, click uninstall, run driversweeper..remove any nvidia gpu driver stuff...and then reboot...196.21 automagicly installed when the computer restarted

Problem gone. 

since then I have installed the recalled 196.75 drivers...all fine

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Yep, same driver resolving itself issue for me as well.  And I have tried a couple of different drivers lately, trying to find the one that plays the nicest with FSX/FTX.  I haven't had the problem again since installing 195.62 (which seems to be the best fit so far).  Thanks for the info on your experience, though, as I hadn't connected my issue to the driver changes (although, obviously, I should have).

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I have had a slightly different path with the BP=0 tweak, I reinstalled XP64 and voila all of the artifacts gone, then I increased the size of my monitor and a few come back in the heaviest weather conditions with active sky.

I am running TBM 80, maybe i'll give 120 a try.  If we can all get this dialed in then FSX becomes a beautiful fluid sim...

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