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Central Installer / Oregon Scenery - Suggestion to Devs and those having issues


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Hello All... I've been reading the forum posts here now for 3 days with the issues Central is giving some users who are trying to install the great looking Oregon scenery they have purchased.  After 3 days of trying I flat out cannot install it, I've tried dozens of different methods, 2 operating systems and two independent computers all to no avail unfortunately.  I've read quite a few similar posts to mine regarding the issues. So the issues are real.


My humble suggestion is, given there's obvious problems with the Central installer - why not make available a full separate zipped scenery package, independent of the Central installer and offer it to those with no install success so they can at least use the scenery they have paid for, while the developers solve the software issues.?

It's a simple suggestion, not meant to be mean spirited at all.. just a fix for the moment.   It's hard to hear some users saying what great looking scenery they are enjoying, while others cannot even get it installed.

Thanks for listening.






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We are aware of these issues and we're doing our best to resolve them as soon as possible.


It is possible to manually download the scenery files. You can do this by going to https://orbxdirect.com then go to your account page and select the scenery package you wish to install.


Then at the bottom you will see a manual download option:




Clicking 'Orbx Central Manual Download' will download a .c4 file.


Then open Orbx Central, navigate to the product you just downloaded and click 'Install via Manual Download'. Select the .c4 file you just downloaded and Orbx Central will install this as usual.




Further information can be found here: https://orbx.to/central-guide


I hope this helps.

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Thanks Luke.. already tried the manual download many times on 2 different systems.  Does not work for me.


Any ETA on when these issues will get resolved?




Any thoughts on making a download of the scenery for users who cannot install?   Using their order number for verification perhaps?

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I am running into the same issue.  I finally manually downloaded the Oregon SD for X-plane, and them attempted in install using Orbx Central and the spinning arrow in the install button just continues to spin but nothing appears to happen.  I let it go overnight, but without luck.

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On 8/31/2019 at 2:04 AM, dradecki said:

I am running into the same issue.  I finally manually downloaded the Oregon SD for X-plane, and them attempted in install using Orbx Central and the spinning arrow in the install button just continues to spin but nothing appears to happen.  I let it go overnight, but without luck.


Please create a thread and we'll be able to troubleshoot your case.


On 8/23/2019 at 11:53 AM, Basilrug said:

Any ETA on when these issues will get resolved?


I'll close this thread and use your other thread below to continue discussion about the TrueEarth issue you're encountering.

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