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Excessive loading times of scenario in P3Dv4.5


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Operating system:  Windows 10 64 Home

Simulator:  P3Dv4.5


Issue:  P3D scenario loading times


Any feedback from Developer yet regarding the lengthy loading times of each scenario in excess of 20 minutes stuck at 70% (Loading auto-generated scenery)?



 Thank you.

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In my initial post, I forgot to add my PC specs: I7 8700 K, 32GB RAM, 1TB SDD Samsung Evo, Nvidia GTX 1070.


Before Central v4, my scenario loading time was 3 to 4 minutes depending on the scenery complexity. With v4, EACH time, I need up to 22 minutes and never less than 18 of which 18 to 20 minutes are necessary between 70% to 100% (from reaching the Loading auto-generated scenery). Evidently I migrated all my ORBX products to a library but on the same SSD as P3D.


I would very much appreciated getting some guidance on this problem.

Thank you.



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