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Be careful when migrating, Central will wipe any custom files

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 Just a heads up for other users, Central makes it seem that it's just going to move your install from inside the sim to outside and do all of the work for you. What it doesn't tell you is that it's also going to delete and replace any renamed or what it thinks may be missing files (in my case, well over a hundred airport ade's that I disabled for addon scenery or full on custom ade's).



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When migrating products, Orbx Central performs a fresh install in the library location using the files sourced from your existing installation. Any missing files are downloaded again. The old product is then uninstalled by Central. It is correct that any files disabled or renamed manually aren't carried over, we make sure that all the files the product comes with are installed. This is to ensure the product always functions correctly after a migration. It is a similar behaviour to if you pressed 'Verify Files' in FTX Central 3.

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 Thanks Mitchell, understood. My post was only for others to see as a warning to be aware of to what it was going to do. Personally, I think it would be better to leave any modified files behind in their old folder similar to how many uninstallers do. The old folder is dead and inactive so it wouldn't affect the sim operation.

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