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Multiple Instances after Migration


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Operating system:  Win10

Simulator:  P3Dv4.5.12.30293


Issue:  I choose to migrate to library , starting with the complete Oceania region.  Old FTX Central v3 was removed.   Several issues:

  1. YBRM was migrated to library and appears in add-ons.cfg.  However, it was not removed from old default folder or the scenery.cfg, so I have two instances.
  2. In the FTX_AU folder, FTXAA_ORBXLIBS was also migrated, but, as above is still in old folder as well as scenery.cfg
  3. I migrated both the AU and NA traffic files, however, nothing was removed from P3D4 default simobjects\airplanes folder, creating a mess on first start due to 800+ duplicate aircraft titles.



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I have made a pass to migrate everything I own, in FTX_NA I have similar issues - 

  • FTX_AA_L70
  • PAGS
  • FTX_AA_W28
  • FTX_AA_WA69

All have duplicate entries between the scenery.cfg (old location) and add-ons.cfg (new location) and the folders are still in the old as well.




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Just did the same dance myself, clicking the error button 500+ times before I get into the sim gui.

Any of you resolved it? I'm considering deleting all the FTX_AU/FTX_NA folders in Simobjects/Airplanes, then reinstall the two AI packs.

I started to migrate, but then reconsidered and deleted all the scenery, then reinstalled it all. But forgot about the AI aircraft, obviously...

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2 hours ago, endl3ss said:

Just did the same dance myself, clicking the error button 500+ times before I get into the sim gui.

Any of you resolved it? I'm considering deleting all the FTX_AU/FTX_NA folders in Simobjects/Airplanes, then reinstall the two AI packs.

I started to migrate, but then reconsidered and deleted all the scenery, then reinstalled it all. But forgot about the AI aircraft, obviously...

I just moved the FTX AI in P3dv4/Simobjects/airplanes to an unrelated temporary location for safe keeping and that seemed to do the trick.

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I've noted those products down to be investigated further.


To resolve your issues in the meantime:

  • For AI traffic products, delete the FTX aircraft from SimObjects/Airplanes
  • For airports, you can delete the folder within P3D/ORBX once you've migrated it.
  • The FTXAA_ORBXLIBS folder should remain though, even after migrating it to a library - it has an important configuration file within it. 
    • Note: If it appears in both the add-on.xml and scenery.cfg, you can remove P3D\ORBX\Scripts\scenerylib_FTXAA_ORBXLIBS.cfg and run 'Sync Simulator' in Central (in Settings, Help) to prevent this from occurring again.
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Same problem with me.


I found that first moving/deleting all the FTX entries from the P3D/SimObjects/Airplanes worked fine, but as I was unsure if they were still there I uninstalled the two AI Traffic entries and reinstalled them. All the AI aircraft now seems to be located in the subfolders for each scenery.


All seems to work fine after this.



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