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Circle your Wagons!


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Skywagons, that is.

I've just completed my latest paint, that of the Carenado 185F Skywagon in USAF 0-1448 colours.

As some of you might know, this bird resides at the War Museum in Ho Chi Mihn City, Vietnam.

I've taken photo's of this aircraft on a few occassions and on my last trip there, Carenado released their

Skywagon, so I decided to do that very paint.

Did a bit of research and was gonna just do a quick outside jobby, but changed the mind and decided to get

real involved and changed the entire interior as well.

Interior fuselage is done in green primer as is the roof and doors. The fascia is done in blue primer and I

tried adding a weathered look to the panels as well. Seats were reupholstered in brown leather and the carpets changed to match the leather.

The pilot also got a make-over. I gave him a moustache, circa 1969 flying overalls, flying jacket and shoes.

It was a great learning experience and I've developed a few techniques I'll employ on future paints thanx to

this current paint.

It really is a beautiful aircraft to fly, especially around PNW and it doesn't look out of place with the

yank rego over there.

Here's a few shots taken somewhere in PNW during the test flight after I completed her.

Posted Image

[img width=1160 height=328]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1267970240.jpg

[img width=1160 height=323]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1267937985.jpg

[img width=1160 height=316]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1267940300.jpg

[img width=1160 height=319]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1267979424.jpg

[img width=1160 height=322]http://www.fsfiles.org/imagehost/uploads/1267960618.jpg

Ok, so if anybody is interested, she's over at the OZx site and here's the url:


Happy Bush Flying,


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