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GPU reverting to 2D clock speeds


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Hey, I'm stumped by this one.  For some reason, my GTX 285 keeps reverting from 3D performance clock speeds to 2D performance level clock speeds.  It happens both in FSX and tested it in DCS Black Shark as well.  Needless to say, it cuts performance in half.  Temps are well below normal operating range.  It typically happens 1-2 minutes into a new flight and a brief pause will occur in game, followed by the clock speeds drop.

I've tried 2 different drivers and double checked Win 7's power saving mode.  I'm using RivaTuner which should keep 3D clock speeds locked but it's not.  I also tried EVGA's Precision with the same results.

Any idea on what I could be missing?

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As it turns out, Bufferpools=0 was causing my card to freak out and reset my Vid drivers to 2D clock speed settings.

I don't recall this happening with some other drivers so I'll have to find the right ones.  Hopefully the re-worked WHQL's get re-released soon.

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