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Any plans for freeware airports/traffic for PNW?


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I'm afraid that there won't be an AI Traffic pack for PNW now. Mal just does not have the time to devote to the project anymore and of course once you start with North America it becomes a huge undertaking to cover the whole area effectively.

We recommend MyTrafficX or another similar product for your AI traffic in PNW now.

On the AU Traffic side of things, we'll be releasing a version 3.0 soon which does more fine tuning and adds more GA traffic into the mix.

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G'day John

Hope your keeping well mate!

Thanks for the response!

Looks like I will be purchasing Mytraffic X shortly!

Is this fully compatible with orbx products?

Can you run mytraffic x and keep using the orbx freeware ai pack aswell?

Cheers mate, enjoy the day!

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